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Case Study: Is MLMGateway a Good Place to Promote Your Business?

At the end of this MLM Gateway evaluation I’m going to share with you how a man I met built a multi-million-dollar Herbalife MLM business. It might surprise you how he did it because it’s unlike anything any of you’re doing.

I’ve been a member of Gateway since 2016 and in that time have promoted 2 different MLM opportunities on here. I’ve made hundreds of connections on this platform, many wonderful people. And people are joining the platform every day.

You’re here, I’m here and everyone else on this platform is here to promote their business.

Lots of competition too… “we have the best products”, “we have the best compensation plan”, “we’re free to join”. These are some of the most common things I see in peoples’ profiles.

Don’t get me wrong, competition is not a bad thing. If there’s competition that means there’s a demand.

There’s no competition in cassette tapes anymore but would you get into the cassette tape business? Anybody remember what a fax machine is?

So is MLM Gateway a good place to promote your MLM business with so many other people promoting there’s and some with similar products and some even the same company?

I did a little test.

Between Nov 10-15 I send out 125 connection requests. It was a simple copy and paste with, ‘this is who I am, and this is why I’m contacting you’ (many of you may have gotten that request).

I got 25 new connections that I can stay in touch with on the Gateway platform and 5 people opted into my optin page. The optin’s will automatically be emailed set up instructions and 2 follow up emails with the auto-responder and I can stay in touch with them as a group through email.  I promise I won’t spam you, it’s not a good way to build a stable, long-term business.

I tried it again and sent out another 100 connection requests and this time I got another 33 connections and 5 more optins.

So in summary, I sent out 225 connections requests, got 58 connections (25.8%) and 10 optins (4.4% of requests and 17.2% of connections).

In the world of advertising these are absolutely astronomical numbers, you would never ever expect anything near these results in conventional advertising!

I have my own accounting/bookkeeping business and all my clients spend money on advertising to get eyeballs on their products or services. One spends $10K a month on $200K monthly sales and another spends $3K a month on $50K monthly sales. Those are just 2 examples

So is MLM Gateway such a great way to promote your MLM business?

The next time you’re talking to a successful Network Marketer ask them if they built their business by sponsoring two people, their mom and their neighbour. If they’re honest they’ll tell you the first thing they did was contact other MLMer’s.

So yes, you’re in the right place, the right fishing pond so to speak. We’re all here because we’re motivated to better ourselves and others. You're just looking for people who're not happy with the product/opportunity their working with right now.

Am I going to continue to promote on MLMGateway? Absolutely!

But if you look back at the previous paragraph the key word is contact. That’s a proactive word when used as a verb.

What I did was contact 225 people and got results. I was busy answering questions and queries and getting sign ups.

Do you want your business to be busy? Do you want business activity?

How often and how long do you look at other people’s profiles to see if there’s something better there for you? How often and how long do you look through and read business announcements to see what others have to say?

Probably not much at all and that’s probably the same for almost everybody reading this! How many people do you think are looking at your profile and your offering every day?

You need to be proactive. You need to put yourself out there.

If you go to a big party alone you can choose to stand in the corner and hope someone notices you or you can go and meet and mingle.

I’m not going to apologize for being blunt when I say, if you thought you could put up your profile on MLMGateway and people would knock your door down to join your company you were dead wrong.

If you don’t have a lot of money to advertise to get eyeballs on your offering you’re going to have to put yourself out there, go knocking on doors so to speak.

In 2 weeks I got 58 new connections, friends, that I can stay in touch with and maybe do business with now or in the future.

On MLMGateway it only costs 1 credit to send a connection request and you can get 100 credits for only $47. In the world of advertising that’s dirt cheap.

If you don’t have eyeballs looking at your offering(s) regularly, you’re not going to have any business, plain and simple!

So buy some credits and start introducing yourself to others and building your network and DON’T abuse (spam) your connections. Treat them as you would want to be treated.

One other point, even though MLMGateway is a great place to promote your offer, it’s not the only pond to fish in. Facebook has MLM groups, there are internet MLM forums, youtube, Linkedin MLM groups etc.

But the fact of the matter is, if you don’t take regular actions and set aside 1 hour a day, 2 hours every 2nd day, 5 hours a week, etc. you might as well just pack it in now.

I printed out 2 sayings in big font and keep them on the side of the bookcase beside my desk.

  1.   The Dream is Free! The Hustle is Sold Separately
  2.   Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day

Bonus: How a man I met built a multi-million-dollar Herbalife MLM business!

A number of years ago when I was prospecting for my MLM business I ran across this man that was prospecting for his business. He had even written a few business announcements.

There was never any mention of products, no mention of company or compensations plans, no mention of the cost to join. He was offering a free book, “The 5 Pillars of Network Marketing”.

I was curious so I sent him a connection request, and it turned out that it was someone in his upline that wrote the book and that man’s name is Michael Dlouhy and that’s how he built his MLM empire, giving away a free book and free training and support.

He never tries to sell you anything, he sells himself first. Isn’t that what you’re doing when you’re applying for a job? Selling yourself!

Just in case you want to model someone that’s gone there before you, here’s his website. I’m not affiliated or associated and get no commission from my endorsement.

I talked to Michael on the telephone. He’s the real deal and lives up to his promises.

Do you want to ‘model’ Michael and have your own website to sell yourself and offer something of value and stand out from the rest? For free?

Click on the link and get your free account! You’ll be sent an email from me with setup instructions, including how to keep it free, and my personal email address if you have any questions.

If you have any questions send me a message :)

PS I don't get a commission from promoting MLMGateway

This article was published on 27.11.2023 by Bob Broughton
Member comments:

James Huebner Very insightful... Thanks   9 months ago
Gerard Garda Very well written article about leads and promoting your business  9 months ago
Derek Jamieson   9 months ago
John S Good article..!! Nice job  9 months ago

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