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Play Games, Have Fun, and Earn Money!!

Play Games, Have Fun, and Earn Money. Welcome to Suponic Global. I am an affiliate marketer, partner, and soon to be gamer. Suponic Global is a global platform that allows game lovers and developers, blockchain techs, and cryptocurrency lovers to be united together for fun, exciting, and profiting experience powered by blockchain technology. The global gaming industry is a $150 billion market with mobile, PC, and console games.

Ask yourself this...Have you played free games and made money? Have you paid for games and made money? Probably not. Suponic Global has a game platform with 300 games and a Suponic Game Credit (SGC) which is used as a utility token to play games and challenge others using your skills. When gamers play in e-sports mode, the winner receives SGC that have the current value of $1.00. The SGC can be exchanged on the Supoinic Coin Exchange starting 10/01/2020 for Bitcoin and/or other cryptocurreny coins that will be listed on the exchange. Suponic also has their own crypto wallet. With all the traffic of people playing games and coin exchanges the Suponic blockchain is able to transact 68,000 transactions per second.

We are in pre-launch and the official launch date is August 1st 2020. I am looking for 3 groups of people Gamers, Partners, and Marketers. Each group plays a vital role in our eco-system that will benefits everyone.

Choose a path that fits you...
Gamer...Purchase SGC and play games.
Partner...Purchase SGC and watch the value of the credit rise.
Marketer...Purchase SGC and share this amazing opportunity with others.

There are 8 ways to get paid through the compensation plan. Get paid daily.

The Suponic Game Credit (SGC) is selling at a discounted price from now to October 1st 2020. SGC Presale value and will raise $0.05 every two weeks until October 1st, which will be $1.00. Credit will then be sold at market value.

Credit Package available to purchase:
SPG1 $100
SPG2 $500
SPG3 $1000
SPG4 $5000
SPG5 $10000

**Purchase Credit Package using Bitcoin**

No products to buy or sell. No auto-shipment. No membership fee.

Play our signature game "Ink Wars" for free.

For more information, please contact me and visit

This article was published on 05.06.2020 by Jaclyn Simeona
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