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Don't waste your time being unhappy! Decide to decide and choose you!

In December last year, I decided to decide! I decided to take a Huge leap of faith , which, I have to be honest , is  not very me! So, what was going on that made me take this leap? Let me briefly tell you ... I am a mum of three children, the eldest away at uni and two young girls at home. I had gone back to work after my middle child turned 1 and got in to care work. I had always gravitated towards working with and for people and I can hand on heart say that I loved my job! Some may call me lucky as I know a lot of people work to live and don't really enjoy what they do. But, I was working constant nights, waking 12 hour night shifts most nights because this enabled me to put my child to bed and be there during the day with her, it also meant though that I was not resting properly and I was , honestly , shattered , ALL the time! After 6 years I fell pregnant again , went back to work after the 9 months maternity leave and I went back to working nights, only now had moved in to complex care and palliative, end of life care. By the middle of last year, I was a shell, a walking robot , the hours, lack of sleep , the role of mother ( acting as a single one too because my husband started wirking away after my youngest turned 1) and the pure nature of my work had me done in! It was then I thought , there had to be more to life than this, I was trying to be the best mum and person I could possibly be and I was failing! In November last year I saw an ad on Facebook , it was written by a mum and it was telling a similar story and alluding to something better... I bit , straight away , I messaged her and received information on this very opportunity I'm now offering to you! So , what is it.. It's a massive global company , operating in over 150 countries, debt free and cash rich, it offers amazing training, by top 6+ figure earners in the business, amazing income opportunities, the most amazing incentives, global travel, Car plans and a residual income to name a few . We offer gorgeous , healthy, natural products , from fitness, Heath and wellbeing, beauty to pet care, the range is increasing all the time! The training to get you through the marketing plan and really explode your business is award winning and I can quite honestly tell you that if you decide to decide, then this opportunity really can change your life! It has mine, I Am now a stay at home mum, working my business around my family and we have all benefited so much from it already! This opportunity not only helps you yourself but you then have the chance to help change other people's lives too and get them achieving whatever dreams they have.. How amazing is that? Don't waste more of your time feeling stuck and unhappy.. Decide to decide today! 

This article was published on 05.08.2016 by Martina Noone
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