Welcome to the #4 Ranked Company for Worldwide sales of Wearable Technology!
I know life comes at you pretty fast and you are supper busy but I just wanted to see if you are interested in hearing more about the wearable technology and maybe the opportunity too, if not that is OK. We are just moving so incredible fast that I just wanted to get with you now.
Have you heard of Fit bit? Knowing that Fit bit has sold 20 million units since 2008 and is worth $8 Billion. If you could go back in time and get a small piece of every unit that Fit bit sold, would you? Well you can't go back in time! At least not yet. But Timing is everything We are ranked #4 in the world of all wearable technology companies. With 500,000 units sold in the past 90 days, we are just getting started but have already created 10 millionaires in less than 6 months, that's one every 18 days.
I have 2 top positions that I'll be filling today. If you want one of them let me know ASAP! If not that is OK. Not everyone gets it, Nokia & Black Berry didn't get it either & today their almost out of business.
We have 5 of the Top 50 Money Earners worldwide as our leadership team and I am getting mentored by two of them. We work fast. We don't have to explain the science behind the technology as the company does a great job at providing every tool we ask for.
So all we do is ask people if the would watch a 3 minute video, follow up with a call or text or email, either the person gets it or they don't. I don't care either way I have spent 30 seconds with the prospect. I move on or they want to see more information. I have a 5 minute business overview I send. If they don't get it I move on. I don't care. Again I have now spent 1 minute with the prospect.
Frankly most people understand the technology within the first 30 seconds of the product video. They just have to get over their FEAR of success. We are adding hundreds of distributors every day. This technology is moving forward with or without you & me as the WSJ, Time & Forbes have all written articles about the Wearable Technology we have "it is a market that is worth $14 billion in 2016 and will grow to $34 Billion by 2020!" That is a $20 Billion growth in just over two years. How much of that do you need to get. So jump on board now and ride this technology train all the way to the bank.
I have posted two links so you can see what success looks like.
Find out more at: http://jcd.helo.life/cp9 and http://jcd.helo.life/cp6
Or if you want to talk, I'm available at 320-248-1570
Jim DarlingtonNo comments yet