The Mental Wellness Company - Amare
Did you know that Amare means love in latin???
I joined The Mental Wellness Company almost 9 months ago. I watched a friend's journey for about 6 months before deciding to jump in.
My mental health and overall wellness at that point was rock bottom. I was struggling with depression, anxiety, stress overload, gut issues, exhaustion no matter how much sleep I was getting, daily aches and pains, migraines, imbalanced hormones, irregular cycles, the whole works!
About a week into starting our Happy Juice and Mood+, I was already seeing improvements with sleep, better gut health, more motivation and energy. I was starting to feel like I was on top of the world!
When GBX Fit, the world's first quadbiotic formulated to help with weightloss resistance, came out, I started on it. I was surprised at how much better I could feel at this point.
In April, it was time for my yearly blood work to be done and my a1c had lowered from 6.5 to 5.8! I am no longer considered a diabetic! And there are a few people on my team thatvhave lowered theirs as well!
Now here I am, after adding in a few more supplements, literally feeling the best I've ever felt in my entire life. I'm no longer taking prescription medication for high blood pressure, depression/anxiety, GERD and type 2 diabetes.
I would love to help you figure out the perfect regimen so we can get you feeling like you are on top of the world as well!
If you are interested in the business side of things, I would love to help you join my team and get started! We have an amazing group of leaders that only want the best for each and every one of us! We are seeing MOM sales increases. With each no product that is released sales seem to double, triple and even quadruple! We have so many incentives and bonuses we can earn, as well as free product and we are even able to earn an annual trip! This year we are going to Panama in November! We have until the end of August to earn this trip!
What do you say? Are you ready to get busy???
Thank you for your interest in my company!
Go check out my link @
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