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Learn The Truth About Money And How to Get Paid Like The Wealthiest 1%

Cash is not money, this is the number one mistake most people make when it comes to planning out their financial fuuture The dollar is a promissary note, a government IOU, it has no true value and if you think this is not true then rip a diollar bill in half and tell me how much it is worth. Our government has trained us to save peices of paper that lose more value thhen they gain. We are paying banks to save us money that losses value while being rewarded an interest rate that can not beat inflation. We are working 40 plus hours a week to save morre money that is worthless. 

The wealthiest 1% do not save their money in the form of little pieces of paper and they sure the hell do not pay a bank to save the somethingg that losses value. To properly preserves ones wealth they must convert their currency into somehting that truly holds value and the one thing that has done that for over 5,000 years has been gold. Most people assume gold is only sold in ounces that they can not afford. This is not true. One company in the world offers gold by the gram as well as an affialite program that allows people to make a passive residual income from saving in gold. Would you rather pay your bank abnnd allow them to gain profits playing with your money to save you dollars that lose value or would you rather get paid to save in the one thing that has always held its value?

Karatbars Internationl was established 6 years ago with the gooal of providing gold to the masses. Since then they have grown over 30% annualy each year and are currently over 400,000 strong and in over 120 countries. Karatbars offers the highest quality gold and has a close relationship with Fedex to secure delivery of their gold into over 120 countries. This is not investing in gold. Your earnings are not dependent on the value of gold going up, instead it is earned from referrals. The more people that use the system, the more everybody gets paid. 

Some people automatically assume what Karatbars is offering is over priced gold in a pyramid scheme fashion.  97% of the population does not even own gold, which means 97% of people do not know about purchasing gold. Karatbars offer the easiest methiod for purchaasing gold in the most secure fashion at the best price you are going to find any where on the internet. There is no middle man, gold is shipped directly from headquarters. 

To  learn more about money and to see why you should be saving in gold watch this short 12 minute video. If you are interested in becoming a Karatbars affilaite or would like to learn more feel free to email me directly at

This article was published on 19.04.2017 by Chris Saunders
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