Do you feel you don't get paid your worth? Want to make a good income every month by simply using and sharing quality health products and business opportunity from a global company that has been in business for over 60 years, with branches in over 50 countries and head office in Canada?
Neolife's Core Values are Absolute Integrity - we are true to our words, People are Our No. 1, Products that Works - all our products are based in nature and backed by Science. The highest health research institution Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) was set up by Neolife. Our remaining Core Values are Equal Opportunity - everyone irrespective of color, religion, educational background, status etc. are welcome and finally, Long Range Vision. We celebrated the company's 60th birthday last year 2018 and a road map to achieving another 60 years is already in place.
Neolife gives you all the business support you need to excel in your business. The company carries out researches, manufactures, warehouse the products, takes care of all logistics of sending the products to you and your customers at no extra cost, covers all administration of paying you and your team on the 7th of every new month, as well as give you all online and offline supports.
There has never been a better time to join a company that is taking the world by storm. The company's mission is to make the world a healthier and happier place. By joining us today, we are a step towards achieving our mission. Click Here to Join Today!
I joined NEOLIFE exactly on the 3rd of January, 2018 which is virtually 1 year and 4 months and today i have risen to the position of Sapphire Director (A World Team Member). I earn over N300,000 in bonuses (about $1000) every 30 days. I have also qualified for All Expense Paid Trips every year as a World Team Member (WTM). So what are you still waiting for? Neolife opportunity is amazing, if i can make it you can make it. You don't become a Star until you Start. Once you join, you will be a part of my Team and we will look after you ensuring we give you all the product knowledge training and all the sharing skills you need to progress quickly. We will also ensure you start making a Six-digit income in less than 3 months.
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