More Than Just Another Home-Based Business
Hopefully you don’t skip over this message thinking it’s another person trying to take your money with another Network Marketing gig.
My name is Kedar and my team and I have set up a project late last year based on our experiences in (Network) Marketing. This project is set up to solve traditional marketing issues/hardships and has the following goals.
- Accumulate the monies to then be able to
- Acquire shares (from which dividends are earned) in a technology and transport company. Here's a look at 2018 --->
- Fix, maintain, and/or build credit ——
- Purchase gold to have as an asset and another form of wealth ——
- And invest into annuities and insurance accounts to secure your family, current and future, and also secure and grow your finances.
The first goal, accumulating the funds, is the main goal. The other goals are highly recommended, as they are additional sources of income, but completely optional as the monies would be yours to do as you wish.
I’m a Licensed Financial Advisor; my job is only to advise and the final decision is yours.
It’s bigger and more beautiful than that but that’s a briefing of the project.
The beauty, I find, is the ease on your part. There isn’t a lot for you to do, the hardest part is for you to make that first step and invest into yourself and your and your family’s future. Everything else flows easy from there. … Because of this, you’re free to focus on whatever you’re focusing on currently, whether it be another business, a job, or a passion that you don’t want to take time away from.
If what you've read of the project interests you and you’d like to hear more, fill out the form after clicking the link below and we’ll get in touch with you. The form asks about your goals and what you’d like to accomplish so we know a little about you and what we’d be able to help you achieve.
Link to contact form —>
Two of the keys to success and prosperity are the lack of fear (for those who don’t have) and the lack of greed (for those who do).
— Kedar Witter
Looking forward to connecting with you,
Kedar Witter
Licensed Financial Advisor
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