94 Year old man with restricted movement-FULL RANGE of motion in 3 DAYS

This is the story of Per, 94, who has limited range of motion and was unable to raise his arm. 3 days after using our patented phototherapy stem cell technology, he has increased range of motion and energy.
Guys- you can't get results like this with pills, supplements, oils, creams, drugs. The medicine of the future is LIGHT and STEM CELLS.
The stem cell industry is slated to be a multi-million dollar industry. Get a slice of the pie by offering people a safe way to increase stem cell production at home with LIGHT. Our Phototherapy patches uses your body's own LIGHT to stimulate the production of stem cells without anything entering the bloodstream. It is totally safe to use, with no side effects. All you need to do is stick the patch under your belly button or on the back of your neck to increase stem cell production.
Lifewave is a 15 year old established company with 100 global patents on a product that is so unique, there is NO COMPETITION, NO SATURATION. Imagine being the first in on Ebay, Apple, Google. 99.99% of the public has not heard of Lifewave or what it can do. There is so much potential for success for a large untapped market of people who want and need stem cell treatments, but cannot afford them. Our phototherapy stem cell patches are AFFORDABLE and accessible in 100+ countries.
Join my team now to get USD100 off the regular GOLD enrollment price of USD499. I run the worlds largest secret facebook group with 1000s testimonials and protocols. I give you business training, and a system for success.
Go to http://stemcellswithlight.now.site to access my private membership site.
Send me a message on http://messenger.com/t/joycegimfil
Email me at joycegimfil@yahoo.com
Go to www.lifewave.com/888845 to have a browse and get a feel for Lifewave.
Lets jump on a call to chat. I'd love to discuss this with you.