Follow The Money
Blessings! God's blessings!!!
Follow the money. If it is hidden where can it be? Just to know you are on the right track makes it simple. Simple things are easiest to find. Unlike the current markets that makes it so hard and not able to see the plan right before your eyes. Take time out to see what has been there all along.Re-train your brain. The mind cannot come if the senses are not trained. Make your choices, filter your thoughts. THINK! Do not ever stop thinking. You were trained by your parents to think the way they thought-Strip your mind of those thoughts and become empty and naked-Rid your mind of the way you are geared to think.
Now pain to become and be successful. Study, know how to go back into all of those struggles and change the outcomes. You have the power of the air you breathe, thought and action. Plan the next victory-ies!!! Be thou strong and very courageous! The progressive knowledge of your own ignorance will keep you in tune with the things you lack to reach the final goal, and then to the others. Just as there are laws that govern anything the law of change to meet ones desires must be entertained. This law of change is the invaluable law to those who wish to develop wealth, power, harmonious familial relations, social positions and foresight fully has to happen within your space and time here as you consent to the knowledge of the good things that are enjoyed in common. You must have absolute faith where there is no fear or worries that you can achieve the impossible-for it is an impossibility. There is true power of choice! So, investigate, and study, and by the power of knowledge know, and reside in that knowledge. All faculties are placed in relation to one- the ruling faculty; it is through that man lives and lives in a certain way.
Take on courage-that which faces the hostility of the hostile crowd, not fearing the outcome. Reason- light obtained after right deliberation. Strength- the ability to deal with and apply right reason. Br brave- the strength in the face of hostility. Become the Most Learned-those who rise from poverty with difficulties.
Are you ready to follow the money? The real success is YOU!!! as you journey the study of symbols and signs that represent the endless changes that occur throughout the universe. The phenomena are governed by exact laws defined by physics, chemistry, biology, geometry, algebra, and other branches of mathematics.
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