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Retirement? Time to quit worrying about it!

Hi everyone,

I ran across this in my Yahoo feed and could not believe what I was reading! I did not hear about it on the nightly news or see it anywhere else so it really was a shock.

Fed advisers call for higher retirement age and, possibly, national child care

The Canadian Press

The Canadian Press February 6, 2017

If you were planning on your retirement then this affects you! 

Retirement has been on my mind a lot lately so I have explored other avenues to produce a residual income. Working from home would be optimal as home can be anywhere you choose to be at any time. I was blessed with an introduction to Wor(l)d Global Network and HELO. THIS IS THE GAME CHANGER!

If you are in this industry then you've heard the advice " You're not selling, you're sharing" Well Wor(l)d has put a spin on that - With Helo you're sharing a vision and a opportunity to transform lives and livelihoods and that of millions of others. We are offering a proven effective duplication model to our members including online training, personal capture page, blog, team training website, simple recruiting strategy, marketing materials, solid upline support and FREE TO JOIN!

Everyone has heard of Toshiba but have you heard they have partnered with us because of Helo and our request to buy their AppLite technology chips for our products. They saw the potential of Helo and joined with us. This new technology is worn on your wrist and Helo gives you 24/7 real time monitoring of your vitals.

You might be thinking Fitbit right? Completely different! Not even in the same category as we are Life Sensing Technology with more abilities on the way. Soon to be released is the Blood Sugar, Blood temperature, blood alcohol and mosquito protection! The new Wellness Band of HELO Family, powered by ApP Lite Technology by Toshiba currently has 8 real time measurements. New design and finishings with 5 colored bands and compatible with the Germanium plates. With a new engine at 125Hz and new charger.

HELO has titanium plates with minerals and stones which can give you amazing benefits to your lifestyle. The benefits of the Germanium are enjoyed daily by people like you. Germanium helps improve blood circulation up to 300% and stimulates water molecules in your body. Read the testimonials and you'll better understand the product!

And BioZen  

Examination in a dark field – How BioZen produces positive effects on human blood.

Blood count examinations provide information about the negative impacts of mobile phone radiation. Healthy blood is characterized by single and clearly visible blood cells. Tests that were conducted after a 10 minute telephone call without BioZen, and they showed modifications in the blood count (a modified hematopoietic): the blood cells stuck together. It is likely that the surrounding water protection shield or the blood cells themselves lost polarization due to the negative impact of the conflicting magnetic field. In contrast, the same test that was carried out after a 10 minute phone call with BioZen, and did not show any changes in the blood count.

But BioZen goes one step further: Test subjects, whose blood count had already been abnormal, started using BioZen, and all of them noticed an improvement in their blood count.


OUR TEAM IS AT THE RIGHT TIME AT THE RIGHT PLACE WITH THE RIGHT COMPANY AND POWERFUL LEADERSHIP. It’s time to bring people together to achieve a more wellness lifestyle through technology.

Join us for FREE! Are You Ready?  



This article was published on 09.02.2017 by Susan Melnyk
Author's business opportunity:

Wor(l)d Global Network HELO - LifeSensingTechnolog, Free to join

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