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How to sell without selling

Think about this...

We all love to buy but we hate to be sold to.

Would you agree?

I have found it is much easier to sell anything if you follow this one strategy...

Here's How It Works...

If you have a business opportunity that you are trying to promote, then this could be the most important thing you could ever read today!

If you are just getting started online and you're confused on trying to figure all this stuff out, well, you are definitely in the right place.

...Maybe you have been online for a while and just can't seem to get any traction and make any consistent income.

It is not your fault...

I have been there myself... that's until I got past the whole "push button" riches and "shiny object syndrome" you see being pushed by most and discovered the actual truth on how to do it correctly.

Let's face it...There is a lot of noise online and a lot of the blind leading the blind.

Everyone has an opportunity they are trying to promote.

What I'm about to share with you will hopefully open your eyes and help you promote your opportunity much more effectively so you can grow faster than ever and get those multiple income streams flowing.

This is not taught by many but could explode your income in a major WAY!

Many marketers are in desperation mode and only focused on the sale.

We want to build a system that does the selling for us instead of just blasting our link everywhere.

Believe it or not... if you actually focus on helping people first, it makes selling effortless.

Crazy concept, I know.

Think of marketing like dating... if you approach a girl and you immediately ask her out before you even know her name or try to go for the kiss at the wrong time... it will make you look like a weirdo.

It's the same idea in the marketing world...

So many marketers throw up all over people with their opportunity which turns people off immediately. This is a BIG No No.

Have you ever seen this?

Someone makes a post on Facebook and then they say comment below for more info...

You look at the comment section and ...Crickets....

Others see there are no "takers" commenting back and it is like public humiliation.

Do you think the people who see this would want to be the first lone wolf to comment.. Heck no!

It makes you look really bad!

Don't ever do that...

Here's a really easy solution that works very well... you can thank me later:)

If you make a post... simply ask them to DM you with their email address and you will send the information to them.

This instantly positions you differently and others will not know if you had 100 private messages or none.

Plus it keeps you out of trouble with Facebook... The reason we ask for an email address is because we can send them the information without taking them off Facebook, which we know Facebook does not like!

You also have the upper hand because they reached out to you first...

Anyway... Let's continue!

The first thing you want to do is build rapport with people and find a way to actually help them.

This doesn't have to take days or weeks either.

You want to warm up prospects and peak their interest before presenting your main offer.

Think about the biggest marketers you know.. they have all have lead capture funnels, an email list of prospects and customers who know like and trust them.

This is the difference in making a few sales and a ton of sales with ease while creating multiple streams of income in the process!

In other words, they have their own marketing system and not just sending someone straight to a company website like 95% of other marketers who are also promoting it.

They brand themselves first and not the company or another leader, which is what I recommend you start doing as well.

You market to one system, your own, and then promote whatever you want from within it.

If you do this right you can scale your business extremely fast and have commissions coming from everywhere.

The part that is mostly unseen but is where 90% of the magic happens...

It's in the follow-up and nurturing sequence once they get on your email list.

You will hear many marketers say "the money is in the list" but I disagree. The money is in the relationship you have with that list. PERIOD.

Remember, we buy from those we know, like and trust!

Focus on VALUE and actually trying to help people and selling gets so much easier!

Here's an example:

Instead of leading with an opportunity, think about what every marketer and online business owner needs regardless of whatever they are promoting...


Without people coming to your website or eyeballs on your offers you are dead in the water even if you have the best offer in the world.

That's why I put in the effort and time to create the best resource I could to help people with traffic.

It is also my personal Traffic Rolodex I use in my own business to keep the perpetual traffic flowing. Not only do I include resources but I document my favorite strategies.

It adds value and actually helps people get results regardless of what they promote.

I have a squeeze page I send traffic to but above is the direct link to it.

With that being said, there is value in being on my list because I share little known traffic sources I use that are not on this rolodex.

I can also promote my opportunity but in a way that makes it easy for anyone who joins through me to say YES.

I have exclusive training pages for my team that they can share with their team as well as custom funnels that my team can use.

The main take away is never lead with your opportunity if you want more people to join you.

The other is to always brand you first!

I hope this information has been useful to you.

If you got something from this article and would like to learn more step-by-step how I create marketing systems then I invite you to check out my EASY COMMISSION BLUEPRINT.

This article was published on 18.03.2024 by Billy Holder
Author's business opportunity:

Easy Commission Blueprint - Free Training, Free to join
Step-by-step training to setting up a marketing system to promote anything you want. Includes my private traffic rolodex. myeasysystem(dot)com

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