Thought-Provoking Network Marketing Quotes For Success
Network marketing is a great opportunity for people who look for flexibility in working. It's a business model that drives sales and revenue through the hard work of its distributors. They are a skilled set of individuals who work and earn together through promoting and selling network marketing companies products and services. Distributors earn income through selling products to customers and recruiting other distributors on their team. As long as distributors recruit other distributors on their team they can earn income from both product sales and the commission of others that they have recruited.
Network marketing business continues to grow as it allows people to earn income with greater flexibility, they can work at any time or location without worrying about getting fired. Various successful entrepreneurs and leaders in the industry have spoken about the capabilities of the network marketing sector. These kinds of encouraging network marketing quotes by successful individuals are changing so many people's lives positively, helping them achieve their dreams through network marketing. However, illegal practices like the pyramid scheme give a black shade to the network marketing industry. It also affects genuine network marketing companies, they contribute positively to society. Various successful persons also talk about the impact of network marketing on society which can help you understand the reality of the network marketing industry, some of the quotes are listed below.
Zig Ziglar says “Network marketing is a dynamic, exciting, and rapidly-expanding profession worldwide. It’s also a legitimate profession (though some will try to convince you otherwise) that generates wealth for millions of individuals and contributes positively to our global society.”
Eric Worre says “There’s nothing wrong with selling. The salespeople of the world drive the economy. People in network marketing are ‘Super Salespeople’. We educate the world.”
Bob Proctor says “What you sow, you reap. It’s a law of nature. Network Marketing is perfectly aligned with that. You get truly, exactly what you’re worth! No nepotism, no favoritism. That’s rare today.”
Brian Tracy says “…the business model itself has been tried and proven successfully worldwide for more than 50 years. It works for anyone who is willing to invest the necessary sweat equity required by any business.”
Kevin J. Donaldson says “What’s the best home-based business opportunity in the world today? Without a doubt, it’s network marketing. Like it or hate it, network marketing has created more millionaires than any other industry in history. There’s just one problem — it can be hard if you’re not used to it!”
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