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Level 2 to corporate Team looking for leaders who want to inspire and lead!

Hello my name is Nicole Johns. I’m a level 2 to corporate leader with Monat Global. What that means is my up-line works directly with corporate! How cool is that? 

Do you wake up excited to go to work? I do! The founder of Monat teaches us to Dream Bigger & that no Dream is to big to achieve. This motto has become a theme for all of us as we have witnessed that he his right. Dream BIG there is nothing we can’t accomplish.

Do you want to inspire, help and lift others? If so this might be the opportunity for you.

Monat is open in the United States, Canada & the United Kingdom with plans to open in other markets. We are the “fastest growing haircare company in North America” so the potential is huge!

Our team offers trainings like no other! No one is left behind. In addition to the exclusive team trainings Monat has recently started a social media influencing campaign with content to help us with our social media posts. All this is available upon sign up!

I have been with the company for 4 years and gained friendships from around the words. And these friendships are not exclusively to my down line but cross-line leaders as well.

I have been able to visit company headquarters in Miami Florida on two separate occasions. Where I was able to tour company headquarters, the distribution facility and call center. As well as be trained by the company President, CEO and Founder. Seeing company headquarters first hand showed me first hand the loyalty the company owners have and determination they have to change lives for the better.

I have been using the products for 4 years and have never had better hair. Monat offers a variety of naturally based haircare products... shampoos, conditioners and styling products. As well as hair treatment products. 

Fast start bonus’, advancement bonus’ up to 20k!

Did I mention we also have a car program?

A VIP customer program is available where the VIP can earn free products. 

Monat offers incredible flash sales which keeps customers happy. We also have a quick haircare quiz that customers can take making it easy for us to recommend the best products for the customers.

Enrollment starts at $99 - $649 USD making it so you can get the kit that’s best for you. 

Join today at 

This article was published on 16.11.2018 by Nicole Johns
Author's business opportunity:

Monat - Haircare , 99 USD to join

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