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Free Online Training Course For New Skills & Opportunity

FREE Online Training Course.

The world today has a changing commercial environment with more workload and responsibility being placed on people to produce results. The adoption of Zero Hours contracts has lead millions of people in the “Gig Economy” to look for a “side hustle” to generate extra income. This can involve taking on a different experience and learning new skills.

Our Platform can provide you with training to give you the latest Marketing and Distribution techniques whilst allowing you to experience practical demonstration of working in today’s online commercial arena. Following the 9 module course there is a Multiple Choice Assessment plus a practical demonstration. On completion each candidate will receive a personalised Completion Certificate that will detail the course content studied. They will also be offered the opportunity to commence their own Online Business with tools and systems that they will now be familiar with.

Our Business is cloud based and as such offers Global scope for development. With this in mind we have no restrictions on where applicants are located subject to there being No Financial Restrictions or Sanctions already in operation and imposed on that country.

Our new online Live Business Networking platform allows a FREE Business profile entry for ANY TYPE of Business on a Global basis giving us a virtually unlimited flow of prospects. You can promote and advertise your business, connect with other entrepreneurs and present your business to live group audiences. The platform is cloud based and will develop groups internationally where there is Internet access. The platform can give you the opportunity to be paid to network whilst developing your own business. There are opportunities based on activity to become: Group Controllers, Regional Controllers, National Controllers which will reflect in the income potential available. This can suit different peoples skills in various categories: Training, Coaching, Mentorship, Business Development, Administration and Sales. The platform operates its unique conferencing platform providing a flexible operating environment that is conducive to development of an existing business and increasing efficiency and profitability.

We have both a range of tools that assist and improve engagement, conversion and sales and can be used literally ANY type of Business: conventional Shopfront, Office, Leisure sector, Retail sector, MLM, Network Marketing, Online, Part time or Full time. We also have established and proven systems in place that enable people to follow a step by step system to achieve great results based upon their own application and commitment.

So to ask you a question. Are you looking for an opportunity to lean new skills and systems in a Business that has global coverage and operates in a rapidly expanding sector which can help you achieve both financial security plus give you the lifestyle that you want? If so you can:

Register Your Interest at:

This article was published on 24.09.2019 by Paul Collins
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PIP Business Network - Business N etworking, Free to join

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