Marketing Digital, SEO and Social Media Marketing Agency
Hello, i'm Victor and want to expand my professional contact list. I would like to tell you about my network marketing opportunity. I would also like to hear more about your business. Can we discuss this over email or arrange a personal meeting?
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We specialize in the design, supervision, launch, analysis, measurement, results and remarketing of Facebook ad campaigns, aimed at local businesses.
We analyze the "User Journey" to know the moments of "coldness" of a client, from this we know What is the real need of this? in order to provide a better User experience. From the moment it is captured by the “facebook ads” until the follow-up of E-mail marketing.
News ads do not look like ads. Most people don't realize the difference between a post and an ad. Word of mouth effect: Users can see if a friend liked an ad and, therefore, will also be more willing to click on Like. Easily increase the number of likes on your Facebook business page with users who meet your demographic objective.
All About Facebook Ads 2020 Ads: How to advertise on Facebook?
Learn how to advertise on Facebook Ads within your social media strategy, thanks to this great updated guide with all the most important changes that Facebook offers us for this year 2020.
With these articles, you will be able to know all those important changes that this social network offers us in terms of paid advertisements, to implement them with your project or business.And, in recent years, with the large number of changes that Facebook has been constantly executing in its interface, its policies and its algorithms, it is a fact that organic visibility continues to drag a downward trend.
This is one reason why more and more users want to know how to use Facebook Ads and integrate advertising into their Social Media Plan as a pillar to achieve their business objectives. Although, there are still companies or professionals who do not want to recognize it, without an economic investment, in this platform there is almost no organic visibility.
Facebook Ads is the platform, system or tool with which you can carry out all kinds of advertising campaigns within this social network and, therefore, also on Instagram.
The ads of these two great social platforms can be positive for any brand, company, business, professional, etc. who wants to gain much more visibility on the Internet, both themselves and their products and / or services, facing the millions of users (or potential customers) existing in them.
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