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LiveGood is a Florida, USA based company dealing on 100% Organic Health Products.

It is the fastest growing company in the world with over 2,000 new members joining everyday from around the world.

*What Is LiveGood Mission?*

To help people get Healthy and stay Healthy WITHOUT having to spend a fortune to do it.

LiveGood products are the cheapest, most effective yet at ridiculously low prices. 

In fact, you get them even cheaper up to 75% OFF Retail Prices when you become a member.

*How Do I Join ?*

You can join through the link              

*Are There Payments In LiveGood?*

Yes, there are payments but VERY insignificant.

1. To be an Affiliate Member of LiveGood, you pay a One Time fee of $49.9 (just once)

2. As Affiliate Member, you will be paying $9.95 monthly to maintain your position in the Matrix.

3. You can erase the two options above and pay for Yearly Plan of $139.95 (which the best option as it will save you 20% Monthly Membership Plan.

*What Is The Difference Between a Member and an Affiliate In LiveGood?*

1. As just a member, you will only be privileged to buy our awesome products at very low prices, up to 75% OFF retail prices.

2. As an Affiliate, you have the privileges of a member and also a chance to earn up to $500 to $1,000 or much more weekly and get paid EVERY Thursday of the week with major payments EVERY First Thursday of the month.

*How Do I Earn With LiveGood As an Affiliate?*

1. You earn $25 on each person you sponsor into the company and certain percentage on the people they (YOUR TEAM) Sponsor depending on your rank, paid out every Thursday of the week. 

2. You earn 50% Matching Bonuses. Here, 50% of all your direct referrals’ income is paid to you no matter their number, while their complete earnings are untouched and paid in full to them.

(This alone is making a lot of people millionaires round the world and it is powered by the monthly Membership Subscription of $9.95)

Paid first week of every month.

For Example: If you directly sponsor 10 Persons, and by month end each of them earns $2,000 from their matrix, then you will get $1,000 on each of them multiplied by the 10 of them, which is $10,000 for you that month

3. You earn Matrix Commission on every active person in your matrix. Paid first week of every. month

4. Earn Affiliate commissions up to 50% when you share our products.

5. You earn Influencer Commission when you advertise our products.

6. You earn 2% monthly total sales Diamond Pool

7. You earn 0.5% net sales on Crown Diamond

*Can I Earn Without Referring Anyone in LiveGood?*

Absolutely YES. Your potential earning if you don't recruit anybody start at the end of your 2nd month and the minimum you can earn is $0.25 while the maximum is $2,047 without referring a single person through Spillovers monthly. One thing is, once you start getting this money it will be coming every month.

Here the LiveGood system places people in your matrix through excess effort of your upline(s). As the number of people placed in your matrix increases, your earnings increases too. This is also paid every first Thursday of the month. *NB: We encourage you in this team to refer atleast 2people but no be by force o*

*How Legitimate is LiveGood Company/Project?*

It is 100% legitimate, simple, transparent and straightforward and the fastest growing company in the world.

* Are There Targets I Must Meet Monthly As A Member?*

ABSOLUTELY NO target is imposed on our members unlike most other companies.

Buying/Selling of products are NOT compulsory (100% Optional)

No Monthly target (PV/BV) (work at your own pace)

*How Do I Make Payments In LiveGood?*

1. Credit Card

2. Cryptocurrency

*How Do I Receive Payments In LiveGood?*

1. Direct Transfer to your local bank

2. Wire Transfer

3. Cryptocurrency e.g Bitcoin

NEVER let this Life Changing Opportunity pass you by.

See You At The Top

Stay Safe $ LiveGood️

This article was published on 26.11.2023 by Kingsley Peter
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Kingsley promotion - Network marketing, Free to join

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If you are looking for something that can genuinely change your financial future LiveGood is it.With LiveGood, you can earn commissions up to $2047 per month, even without referrals.

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