18 million miners all bunched together in one spot on the river... Fighting over flakes!
The difference between real saturation and psychological saturation.
Nutrition and personal care companies are the most common types of opportunities available in network marketing today. But how many of those opportunities are actually growing in revenue? Not many, is the answer and there's a reason why and it's so simple, it has to do with the first principle of business, one I learned from an easily understood cartoon all the way back in grade school...
The LAW of supply and demand.
The supply of these types of network marketing companies is outstripping the demand for these types of products in the consumer market when compared with similar lower priced items found on Amazon.
So, you have about 18 million distributors in the U.S. competing for rapidly shrinking market-share in the nutrition and personal care categories for real customers. Let's not kid ourselves about the number of people who actually buy network marketing products who aren't actually building a business. In most companies it's barely a one-to-one ratio.
For every distributor there's rarely a customer that is a non distributor for any extended length of time.
This has led to the proliferation of what I call opportunistic MLM gurus and trainers who promise to teach you the secret to "exploding" your downline with their can't fail formulas and "tools."
Yet... if you ask them directly if they are taking their own advice and building a downline themselves, they always tell you that they're-
"wanting to make the industry better by helping everybody in every company."
"This industry has given so much to me I just feel compelled to give something back"...
Really? They would rather work for a linear income by “giving” away their $2-5000 training programs and websites, than build a residual income in a network marketing company like yours that they keep telling you is so great?
Let's peel back the layers of that onion and see what's at the core of that type of statement.
"We just want to make network marketing great again."
No, what they really "want" is for you to pan for gold and give them your little specks of gold dust so they can have everybody's specs of gold dust. It's much more lucrative to exploit an entire industry of MLM distributors than just their own downline in any single company.
And the distributors who are actually doing the work of network marketing (recruiting and product sales)? Well they end up with nothing just like the majority the miners of California Gold Rush.
1849 The California gold rush...what really happened and who really got rich...
The people who actually made money during the gold rush north of San Francisco, made It by selling their tools and blue jeans and food and everything else they could, to "help themselves" to the miner's gold that THEY pulled from the river and the hills.
By 1855 it was all over!
In the same way...
These MLM gurus do this by appealing to your irrational emotional attachment to your really good and really expensive network marketing nutritional supplements, weight loss programs, skin care, and green cleaning items.
These types of companies do make exceptional products but they're overpriced to a large majority of people who don't care about nutritional products or green cleaning supplies or shampoo or make up that have a built-in markup due to a network marketing compensation structure.
Here's a novel idea!
Why don't you come over and take a look in my spot of the river? collect gold where the nuggets are big and plentiful and there are no other miners right now in a company with an entirely different category of product?
That's what I've decided to do. And I'm a pro. I have been in the nutritional industry for over 25 years myself and there's no gold left in that part of the river of me too nutritional products and personal care items. I'm sorry but that's just the truth, I wish it weren't. The only people who are making money are the people who are selling you the picks and shovels and blue jeans.
And they are taking every last speck FROM YOU!!!
What else can I offer you besides my experience and real practical help?
How about as many free leads as you can use? No catch, no strings, no cost!
I have access to more leads than I can possibly use in a lifetime and I can give them to as many people who join me and want to be part of my team to grow this company, which I believe can be a giant.
You will never have to worry about leads again or resort to bugging your family and friends to join your opportunity unless that's what you want to do. Does that sound like an offer anyone else has made you today? I highly doubt it.
I am just looking for the few....
Who also understand that the window of a few years of commitment for a long term payoff are worth the risk.
What if this were true?
This is how to "pick" an opportunity, it's as much as an acquired skill as any other you will learn in this type of business.
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