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New opportinuty opening in Mexico. Be the first in your area!

I am currently looking for associates in Mexico. A very exciting opportunity. Do you know anyone who may want to:

  • Burn Fat
  • Increase or save muscle
  • Reduce brain fog
  • Increase focus
  • Suppress appetite
  • Gain strength
  • Sleep better
  • Have better mood
  • Better digestion
  • DNA Repair
  • Reduce Inflammation

You can help your friends and family while building a team in an area where not many people have heard of this product. Contact me for more info. I would love to help you build a team in your area!  

My product is patented and was the first to market. We use a Pure Therapeutic Ketone technology to repair DNA, Boost Ketosis, Provide Cellular Energy, Reduce Inflammation,  the benefits go on and on.... If you have not heard of ketones before they are what the liver makes when its burning fat for energy.  It's not the same as Keto Acidosis, so no worries!   Ketosis is normal, and beneficial to your body. Caveman were in ketosis all winter long, due to food shortages and they burned sugar all summer when fruits were available! 

This is an awesome opportunity for anyone, but for those of you in the newly opened regions it is the best time to get started. I can show you how to earn 2300 USD in less than a month! Don't wait... contact me right away so I can help you start your own business and help your friends and family look and feel better! 

Did you know that the human body can only store 2000 calories as glucose (sugar)? Thats why athletes carb up before a big event. They are trying to force sugar into their cells so that they have it as a fuel source when they reach the end of that 2000 calories... It really doesn't work well enough though.  Your body can store 40,000 calories as fat.  Don't you think that if you could get your body to use fat as energy instead of glucose it could and would go farther, longer, and faster?  

The only problem is that its hard to teach your body to use ketones for energy because its been trained for all of your life to depend on sugar.. and when the sugar is gone... crash! You need to eat something to get yourself back on track. If you could train your body to use a dual fuel source, Ketones and Glucose,,.. think of how awesome that would be,,,. this is just the beginning of your experience... Contact me to find out how to utilize the fat your body has stored for energy, while saving your muscle and even building more muscle. It really is as good as it sounds!    

This article was published on 05.02.2018 by Annette Stephenson
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Annette Stephenson Please email me at  5 years ago

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