Finally Found My Niche
We are the only Public Adjusting Company in the United States with a network marketing compensation plan. I know your first question is what is a Public Insurance Adjuster? When a home or business owner has damage to their home or business they call their insurance company and have the insurance company adjuster come out and survey the damage and compensate them for the damage. What home/business owners don't realize is that the adjuster works for the insurance company only not the home/business owner and his/her job is to minimize the claim and even deny it. We are Public Insurance Adjusters licensed by the state we live in. The company is licensed in 46 states and we have offices in Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, North Carolina, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and are looking to put offices in other states. We represent the homeowner only we do not sell insurance or work for insurance company's. You can not buy anything from us. Our job is see that the home/business owner is treated fairly and more importantly paid fairly. I'm in Pennsylvania and in this state we can even reopen a claim up to a year old. Some states it's two years. 80% of Home/business owners are paid only 25 to 40 cents on the dollar. We average over 574% more for the home/business owner on a claim. The company takes a fee on the claim only, no settlement no fee so the home/business owner has nothing to lose. We get paid a percentage on the fee. You can see what the job entails by going to this will also explain the compensation plan. You also will get the video to use and also the company website at You must pass a state test and we supply the study guides. You will be assigned a trainer if one is close to you. You will be a claims representative and work from home when you want you're the boss. When you build a team you can make a mean residual income. If this is something you would be interested in please contact me through this site. Or if you just have damage and need help don't hesitate to ask for help. Thanks for reading and hope to have you join us in this exciting and fun business opportunity.
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