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Are YOU A Great Placement Sponsor? - This Is HUGE!!!


Being a “great” Placement Sponsor is probably one of the most important leadership roles in network marketing, but sadly… too many people in this industry have no idea what that means. If more companies taught the following strategy, everyone on the team would be much better off.

A Placement Sponsor is a person in an organization who has 1 or more people in their level 1 positions, either directly sponsored by you or placed as spillover. A Direct Sponsor is the person who enrolls a new person into the team. In many cases, the Placement Sponsor and the Direct Sponsor is the same person.

If, for example, you enroll Johnny and you place him on your 3rd level… you are Johnny’s Direct Sponsor, but the person above him on your 2nd level is his Placement Sponsor. If Johnny happens to be placed on your 1st level, you are Johnny’s Direct Sponsor and his Placement Sponsor.

If every person was committed to being a great PLACEMENT SPONSOR, every person will eventually earn retirement money in their business. IF YOU HAVE 1 OR MORE MEMBERS BELOW YOU - YOU ARE IN A PLACEMENT SPONSOR POSITION.

As a Placement Sponsor with just 1 or even 5+ people on your first level, you are in a position to help them build their Downline. It is essential to your entire organization that you become a great Placement Sponsor. When you understand the importance of this role, the teams below you will grow like wild fire. Most opportunities have 2 to 5 positions on level 1. Some may have an infinite number if building wide is part of their Compensation Plan, but 2 to 5 is most common.

These level 1 people (those directly below you) are the ones you need to focus on more than anyone else in your organization. Why?… because they represent the largest slice of your business volume. They are the pillars holding your business together. You can add your own Personals to this list, but your level 1 members should have most of your attention.

NOT being a great Placement Sponsor, in my opinion, is one of the biggest mistakes too many people make in this industry. It may not even be a mistake. It could be that they’ve never been taught this principle. People join companies and take very little, if any, responsibility at all for those below them, and that kills their growth.

Again… your level 1 members may be your direct referrals or they can be members you received by a placement choice of someone in your upline. Regardless of how your level 1 is filled, you need to take a serious and active role in making sure they SUCCEED. If you do that, YOU WILL SUCCEED automatically. Do you want to make $10,000.00 a month residually? Of course you do, so make sure one or all of those in your level 1 are making $10,000.00 a month!

Tip: If your opportunity offers a car allowance, make sure someone on your level one is getting paid for a new car and you’ll be in a new car. To be successful, you must first make others successful. It's as easy as that.

As a Placement Sponsor, you really want to be close to your level 1 members... and when I say close, I mean like immediate family close. Treat and love on these people as if they are brothers, sisters, and parents. Get to know them inside and out. Get to know their spouses, their kid’s names, where they grew up, their favorite hobbies and activities, their favorite sports teams, their favorite number and their favorite movie. Find out what motivates them. Find out where they are weak and where they are strong. Help them where they are weak and build on where they are strong. Find out what “their story” is. Find out their “why” and anything else you can learn about them. This is your new family. Those level 1 members are responsible for your entire business.

If, for example, you have 5 level 1 members already placed, it means only have 5 people directly below you on your first level. Anyone else you add will fall in as spillover below them. So in this case, you only need to focus on 5 people. Those 5 will have their 5 and so on. What this means in a business sense is that these 5 people each account for 20% of your entire business. Doesn’t it make sense to work closely with the 5 people who, combined, can decide 100% of your income?

It doesn’t matter what compensation structure you’re a part of. You can be in a binary, a matrix, or in a uni-level system building infinitely wide…, you still have a level 1. What matters is that you work directly with those on your first level as well as any Personals you’ve enrolled who may not have a “great” Placement Sponsor above them. If you exercise this behavior and teach this behavior correctly, your Personals further down in your organization will have a "great" Placement Sponsor, and they will become "great" Placement Sponsors. If you’ve personally enrolled 20 people, for example, don’t feel that you need to manage all these people on your own. When you and everyone else on your team can focus on just your level 1 members, whether you have 1 or 5+ people, it’s very easy to manage. Your Personals will have a Placement Sponsor of their own, so teach this leadership principle to your entire team. Don’t get caught in a management trap where you’re doing all the work. Do your fair share, but let’s create leaders and let’s teach them how to manage their level 1 members.

If you place a new member below someone else on your team “connect” them together. Make sure they have each other’s contact information. If you enrolled Johnny and placed him under Mary, it’s Mary’s job now as a Placement Sponsor to help Johnny become successful. Johnny’s success is a percentage of Mary’s success, so she needs to keep Johnny close to her.

Tip: Create a Team Facebook Chat with YOU and your level 1 members and talk about ways to grow in 30, 60 and 90 day periods. Set team goals and challenges in 30, 60 and 90 day periods and re-evaluate after each time frame to see how you’re doing. Fix what needs to be fixed and add fuel to what’s working.

If you do “anything” right… be a GREAT Placement Sponsor…!

Let's connect -

This article was published on 25.07.2016 by Richard Wyche
Member comments:

Syd Rizvi Great article.  8 years ago
Olivier Carter Great article Richard. Never thought of it that way. Very insightful.  8 years ago

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