The MLM Truth
I was introduced to an MLM Company about 30 years ago. It was the best thing I ever heard in my life. I was super excited. I was going to rich. �Millionaire status is what I called it. The thought of not having a boss was very appealing to me.
I did everything my company told me to do.
I made a list…
Held meetings at my home…
Begged and pleaded
Paid for memberships
Can you relate?
I got a few people to join
(I think they felt sorry for me)
They didn’t stick around long at all.
It wasn’t long until I ran out of people to share my opportunity with. I was totally embarrassed because I told my friends and family that this opportunity was going to make me a millionaire.
It ended up leaving me with no leads, no sales, and no money.
So I quit...
And I stayed gone for 10 whole years.
But my husband showed me we can do this business online. That made me excited!!
I turned to Social Media. I thought with just one or two posts my email would be overflowing with people wanting to join me or buy my product.
I remember going to my Facebook page to see who was interested.
There was nothing but crickets and tumbleweeds.
I was scratching my head trying to understand why people didn’t want such a great product. I thought maybe I needed to post more.
So, then I made sure I plastered my product all over Facebook. Still no interest.
I posted every day relentlessly. In my mind, I was thinking it’s a numbers game. In reality, I was the spam QUEEN.
In fact, people started un-friending me and when people saw me in person, they went the other way.
I was DONE!
I returned to the industry after I watched a video that told the honest truth about MLM. And it all made so much sense.
You can make a ton of money in the industry without being extra-ordinary or super smart.
You just need the right plan working for YOU.
My friend Jason breaks it down from A-Z. Once I understood the concept you are about to see, I jumped in head first.
Check out the Video here ➡️:
To Your Success,
Daria & Willy Legagneur
The New York Power Couple
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