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Achieving Success in MLM

Anyone who has been involved in MLM for a week or more has heard the statistics...  97% of the people involved in MLM will fail!  The reasons that are given are usually speculative and used as the precursor for anyone trying to sell you the next "magic bullet" to success.

But, here is the truth...  1st, there is no "magic bullet"!  No amount of propaganda is going to make you an overnight success in MLM.  I'm sorry.  But someone needs to tell you that.  MLM is a business.  As such, it needs to be treated like a business.  It needs to be worked like a business.  And there, my friends, is the catch...  IT NEEDS TO BE WORKED!

Here are some other statistics...  1% of the people you talk to will be interested in your business.  10% of the people interested will join.  1% of those who join will remain in the business.  Up to 2% of those who remain will actually work the business and make anything.  Why?  Because the rest of them don't have a clue how to make it, don't have the support to make it, and were likely recruited by someone in the same boat!

So what do all these statistics mean?  It means to get 1 person interested, you have to talk to 100.  To get 1 person to enroll, you have to have 10 people interested (that means talk to 1000 people).  To get 1 person to remain in the business, you need to recruit 10 (that means talk to 10000 people).  And finally, to get 2 people achieve any success, you need to keep 10 (that means talk to 100000 people)!  WOW!  Those numbers got big quick!

Before you let that discourage you, though, I want to explain what I am doing to increase my odds of success...

1) Remain engaged with your downline.  Weekly emails explaining a topic that people struggle with and providing a solution to the problem.  By the way, the "3  foot rule" and "talk to friends and family" are not solutions!

2) Give your downline tangible incentive.  Tell them "If you do A, then I will do B for you".  Does this cost you money?  YES.  Is it worth it?  YES.  Does it produce results?  YES.  My biggest incentive that I give my downline 4 levels of rewards for completing a simple process...  The more they do, the more I give them.  All in all, it costs me about 1 months commission to do this for them.

3) Continue to learn, test, and fine tune methods for recruiting.  THEN SHARE THEM WITH YOUR DOWNLINE!  Don't give them an idea that you haven't tried and been successful with!

4) Whatever you do, make sure it is able to be duplicated!  

5) Finally, ALWAYS TELL THE TRUTH!  Your personal reputation (as well as your opportunity) will suffer if you don't!

In conclusion, avoid false hype.  Place less value on weekly conference calls and meetings in hotels.  Work your business.  Teach your team to work their business.  Be willing to sacrifice today for a greater reward tomorrow!

If you would like to finally find success in MLM, join my team and I will show you how I do it!

"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got!"- Henry Ford

This article was published on 01.11.2016 by Chris Kuhlman
Author's business opportunity:

CTFO - Nutrion, Weight Loss, Free to join

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