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An Earth Shattering way to expand your MLM business in the UK

We can talk all day about getting the balance right between selling more products and recruiting more team members. There is a way where you could really recruit, not only more distributors, but also gain a lot more direct business. If done properly, you will need to manage and control the enormous growth rate. If you want a lot more business you need to get in front of a lot more people. If you want more distributors you need to get a lot more distributors in front of you. All sounds pretty logical so far. But how? Actually the how? is easy. The most difficult bit is when they all arrive or when you arrive at a venue full of people that you have invited.

Let's get to the bottom line here. I have no doubt that you yourself have probably attended a "motivational meeting" at some time or another. You may even have travelled about going to different ones before deciding to come aboard and become an agent. The problem with the internet when you post something out on social media, you never really know how many people are looking at your post at any one time. Then you have to do it again and again to retain continuity otherwise they might forget you. Thgis is where you are not really free to do your own thing. You are being controlled by your computer! Let's get real shall we. If you are face to face with someone, you can speak, listen, look and get a much better idea of a person than someone who you just do business on the internet Even the voice on the phone is better than a text because you can hear the tone of voice and at least get some idea of interest.

Let's move onto the how? How to get a group of people Find a venue - Check on the maximum capacity. Check on what type of audience you want, so theatre style or horseshoe so you can move about or do demos etc in front of people.. You need to check on the cost and fix a date and try to obtain a cancel without penalty deadline so that if things go topsy turvy and you do not get the numbers you anticipate you can walk away having cancelled without paying for anything. OK so that is basic start of getting a venue. It could be a community hall, a village hall, a town hall, a hotel or even one of those specialist organisations that rent out meeting rooms. Social media, facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc etc are the first opportunities for you to get people gtogether to a particular venue. Unless your product or service is a very niche type product where you will  be targeting your invites to specialist recipients, you can expect a response of between 2 and 5%. So for 2% you will get 2 people out  of 100 invites. If you want 20people you need to get invites out to 1000 people. You can buy in contact details from list brokers.At least this way you know how many recipients there will be.

We now have the venue and the methoology of contacting groups of people. The dates have ben set and all yu need to do is wait - yes? NO! you need to start preparing. What are you going to say. ow ar you going to say it. What is your objective? Have you checked coffee and Tea breaks etc. On the day you need to be confident to present with all the answers at the ready. People think it's easy. Some presenters make it appear azs if it's easy. rest assured they have been coached and fully trained to handle such situations. But can you?  This is where so many people with such good product knowledge fall down. They just do not know how to communicate in front of a grojup of people. It's fear. It's agonising judst to think of it. But those that can are the ones that really gdet the business big time. If you want big time then I ufrge you to join me for a weekend at Skegness, Lincolnshire UK where I will transform that negativity and fear into a natural public speaker. The other bits and pieces that I spoke about are all in my "The Must Have Business Book" that you can buy from me at just £5.95 inc.p&p in the UK. I can accept paypal if you email to me yojur paypal account and I will send you an invoice. The email address is Of course you could have the book free of charge if you come and spend a weekend wiith me at Skegness t be part of an exciting and very professional Public Speaking Bootcamp traininvg session. Details are at hgttp://

This article was published on 02.01.2020 by Dave Fenton
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