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The Law of Attraction in action - my story

Not too long ago, back in 2007…I stand corrected: A decade ago, something happened that changed my life: my first encounter with The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne. And I was enthralled – the idea that everything happens in our lives as a direct outcome of our thoughts was just too surreal to believe – and yet, as there was nothing to prove otherwise, I decided to go with it. There was a lot of commotion around the book, and how that is just bull faeces – scepticism, I’d say, which can, has been and always will be applied to everything, faithfully by those who cannot be bothered to look into deeper – and it is sold as gold: way too many people take the lack of proof in a shape and form one is used to, as a fact of the opposite - it is so much easier to believe something negative then something positive – sad, isn’t it; but haters will hate, I guess).  

Anyways, I took the leap of faith and believed in it. The thought of that we attract all the good and all the bad, and that today’s reality is nothing else than our vision we created (consciously or subconsciously) of ourselves in the past - how twisted is that? Being in my early 20’s, I was fascinated by the possibilities it can create, and I read more and more books about the law of attraction, about the Universe that is nothing more or anything less than energy vibrating on different frequencies – we’re all the same – energy - simple. I must admit, David Icke’s ‘I am Me, I am Free’ and ‘Infinite Love is the Only Truth: Everything Else is Illusion’ had the biggest impact on me back then. Although, I still cannot and will not believe that we are ruled by alien lizard overlords, ‘ahem’, I do believe that there’s more in this world than we can explain. I’m sure you cannot be that arrogant or ignorant (horrible combination) thinking that we know it all – it wasn’t that long ago when we all thought that the earth was flat (and some still do?!). So, I strongly believe there is still so much in this world we cannot explain, don’t know about or are just plain wrong about. But back to my story…

…. So, after reading David Icke’s ‘I am me, I am free’, there was one part of the book that really stuck with me – that our biggest fears will always come true. That we emit such strong energy through our fear into the universe, that it has no other choice than to covert the thoughts into reality. I was thinking back, and realised that a lot of things that I was afraid of, had either happened or were still happening to me.

I remember being on a bus to Tallinn, and found myself wondering ‘What are my fears’? I was not afraid of failure back then – most young people aren’t – they think the word is their oyster and everything is possible (and how close they are to the truth – before life happens and other’s lack of belief sucks all hope out from everyone around them). Anyways, my mind was wondering and I started to come up with different things that I would find unpleasant if they should happen to me (note to future self: never think of negative scenarios of situations – it’s like summoning it to happen; silly me). Among many thoughts, one thing that popped into my mind was how annoying it would be if my washing machine would start leaking during the washing cycle – very first world problem, I know – there would be water everywhere, damage to my own property and neighbours below me. Just the hassle of getting it all sorted was such an unpleasant thought already. I started thinking if there is any kind of insurance that would cover it or would I have to pay for the damages myself. Or is it landlord’s responsibility, as it is his washing machine. I got so carried away, I even started imagining myself discovering the water on the floor, assessing the damage, going to talk to my downstairs neighbours etc. I don’t recall what were my final thoughts on this - I guess I got distracted by something else and then forgot about it. Until a week later. I was at home, reading a book, enjoying my day off, and doing laundry – you can already see where I’m going with this, can’t you? For whichever reason, I decided to go to the bathroom. When I walked in, I was ankle deep in the water. Now, in any other time in my life before that I would have freaked out - not knowing what I’m supposed to do. But what did I do? I laughed. I laughed so hard I almost slipped and fell. This was too good, and too weird to be true. Coincidence – sure, why not, we can call it that. But what is coincidence? As per world wide web, coincidence is ‘a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.’ I think the stress should be on the word ‘apparent’ – ‘clearly visible or understood; obvious’. So, one can say that coincidence is something remarkable we cannot clearly see or understand or explain – that could be anything we cannot explain. Or could, but just don’t want to believe. Either way, the fact remains that I was imagining the events just a week before they happened.

So, after clearing up the mess, I sat down and gathered my thoughts. And I realised the potential power of thoughts. It was both scary and empowering at the same time. I didn’t miss a chance to quote the secret or its principles. I was known for that. I practised it daily and was amused how easy and playful it all felt – having fun whilst living your life. But sometimes life hits you hard – and unless you have a strong safety net around you, you may lose focus, you may lose faith in people, circumstances, and most tragically, faith in yourself. Life is all about ups & downs, but unless you keep yourself focused on your way down, you may forget how to climb back up. And I lost focus – I was young and inexperienced. So, disappointment and pain took over my life, and once I recovered from the blow, I had forgotten about the secret and I became what so many of us are – an adult whose main goal is to exist and survive, thinking that we have a wonderful life, not to rock the boat too much, keep it nice and calm to be able to have a smooth sailing without any risks, dreams or goals. Whatever happens, happens, we just deal with it. Sounds horrible but I didn’t see my life being that, not at all – it was OK. Just that. OK.

Now let’s fast-forward to present day and see what has happened in last 12 months. By July 2016, my life was much different from what it was back in 2007. I was living in London, having a relatively good life-style, enjoying time with friends and loved ones and although I had just broken up from a year-long relationship – first serious relationship in a decade – I was OK. Again, just OK. Or so I thought. Deep down I felt like I was not complete. Something was missing. I was more existing than living. I had forgotten all about The Secret - well at least I was not practising it anymore as I did before. I hadn’t realised that during this 10 years, life had taken over and I was not in control of it anymore – I was just living it as it was happening – I let my doubts and hopes all work together, in a mismatch, without me directing them in any way or form, and it had created a mess of a life that I was not particularly happy about. I think it’s safe to say, like with any change in life, the first step must be the acceptance and recognising that something needs to change – and only then it can start happening. I had to admit to myself that I was not happy and I needed to do something about it. And it was then when Universe started realigning things for me. First thing I needed was finding my inner peace – so a trip of a lifetime was sent on my way – a trip to Bali. All I’m going to say here is that it was life changing. A brutally honest conversation with myself about my life goals, wants and needs made a huge difference. The spiritual charge I got in Bali directed me back to The Secret through many books I started reading whilst in Bali; and I was ready, once again, to put it into practice. As my belief increased, so did the ’coincidents’ happenign arorund me – things I wanted and envisioned, happened. I still have a lot of work to do on my mindset, but I am slowly moving to a right direction.

Another story that shows the power of thought must be the one about a freight train derailment near Lewisham few months ago. Anyone who lives in London knows that these things take usually weeks to get back to normal. So, as expected, all passenger-train traffic was also disrupted for a week. When I hear about the derailment, my initial thought was ‘crap, it’ll be a pain to get to work every day’. And then quickly, I changed my thoughts – I realised that these delays had nothing to do with me. These were for people who ‘enjoyed’ complaining about long commutes, being late or being in overcrowded train cars. Have you noticed – people who complain about these things do it constantly – it’s like it is always happening to the same people, wherever they go. Yet there’s many others, taking same routes, and hardly ever getting affected. It’s because they are emotionally detaching themselves from the situation, and it cease to exist. So, I did exactly that – I decided that my commute to work will be as smooth and trouble free as it usually is. And it was. I stopped checking the train times as all of them were delayed anyways, so I just walked to the station – and I got on a train within 2-3 minutes – although there were major delays. And the trains I got on were usually only half full – didn’t have to play the usual ‘Guess who did not brush their teeth or forgot to shower?’ guessing game. Thrilling. So, the indent had no negative affect to my daily commute – because it had nothing to do with me.

Another ‘coincidence’ -e last week Wednesday was forecasted to be a nasty rainy day in London. So much so that all radio stations were talking about the rainy day ahead in the morning. But I knew I had a lot of commuting to do on that day. So, I decided that rain as it may, I will be absolutely fine and dry, and left even my umbrella at home. It was miserable the whole morning. The moment I got to work, it started to rain. I had to leave to office 1PM, to get to my meeting in the city by 2PM. My colleagues were feeling sorry for me that I had to commute on a day like this. I just smiled and said I’ll be fine as I am sure it will clear up by the time I have to go. Guess what – when I left the office, although cloudy, it was not raining anymore. I made my way to my meeting in the city. I got there early – for the meeting, that is, but just in time to avoid the rain, as the moment I had arrived and ordered myself a cup of tea, it started pouring rain again. And even my journey back to the office was nice and dry. Some may say I was lucky. And you are right, I was lucky – lucky that I had discovered the power of thoughts. Others may say now ‘He must be delusional - full of himself, he is, thinking he can change the weather’. But what if I told you that I didn’t change the weather, I just let the universe to guide me through the weather in a way that I managed to avoid the rain. If the rain would have been unavoidable during my commute, something else would have come about to keep me try – a call from a mate who was driving by to give me a lift? A colleague suggesting that he will come to meet me in my office? Or calling to cancel the meeting all together. So, regardless what was about to happen I knew I’ll be fine. I don’t need to know all the ‘How’s?’ as long as I know that it will happen, without a doubt, it will happen.

Law of attraction works regardless weather you believe in it or not. Like any other force of nature, it is present even if you are oblivious to it. Happy people attract happy people, misery loves company, money comes to those who think they already have it (and there’s a BIG difference of acting like you have money and spending money you don’t have – the latter is clearly living in debt, and it will attract more debt, as that’s what you are thinking and creating – debt). So be mindful, and careful what you think about, or should I say, ‘wish for’.

Keep it happy! 
This article was published on 29.03.2017 by Ivari Kare
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