Can we make passive profit through an expert advisor trading the forex?! Yes!!
Hi guys,
I've had a lot of conversations over the last couple of days with people from almost everywhere in the world. I was positively surprised about the number of people with the will to spot the good opportunity. The will to focus on a real project with a real return and @ the same time, I felt so much anger and fear about past disillusionment. I must say it was a big surprise for me and I did not know directly how to react. Have you never felt that you were not understood or that you were misunderstood? Well that's exactly how I felt at these times. I was dismayed and at times I wanted to shout (which I obviously didn't do). It was then that I decided to repost a more detailed business announcement of the opportunity for which I signed up here at the base :) Hoping that I can answer some of these fears and that you will see the huge opportunity just like I did, that with a little investment, this could bring you a big non negligible financial income or even become your main revenue stream.
So, what do I propose? I propose you guys to join a very young and innovative MLM company active in the Forex market.
What differentiate them from the others? Well, that company wants to become the new "netflix, spotify" but for financial services more specifically Expert advisors.
Why should they perform better than any other one? Because they have several EA's available as we speak and because they're already testing & back testing new EA's that they will launch through their plateforme any time soon. You don't need a VPS as the EA's are running on a managed account on an FCA regulated broker.
But how can I know that the EA's are going to work? Well, in the forex, if there is 1 truth, it is that the risk 0 does not exist but what they can guarantee is the following. All their EA's has been back tested for 3 years and did run for 1 year in live conditions before to reach the plateforme. The trades are monitored on a daily base by a team of experts and developers and the performance can be followed on the external myfxbook platform (link a little more below)
How can I know that this is legit? Well, the company works with an FCA regulated broker. Your funds will be deposit over there. That means that the company doesn't owe your money as your funds are @ the broker . You have a 100% access to it 24/24 - 7/7.
What is the return I can expect? You can expect a monthly net compounded growth of 10-15%. The EA's are right now overperforming with an average over > 25% and did an average of 25% in 2019 but let's be modest.
What does it cost? There is a 1 time cost to use the plateforme of 250$. You will pay that once and you will get access to all the EA's that will be launched through their plateforme. and a min. deposit of 100$ at the broker.
Is there a split of the gains? Yes, there is a split of the gains between the company and the member. 30% of the gains will be for the company and 70% for yourself. There is no split in the trading gains in between members.
But what can I earn affiliating people? Well, the company has commercialized a product, a license that costs 250$. So the people wanting to develop their network will fall in a binary system where they will earn some direct and indirect commissions on the generated sales (into their network) of that license.
I've already been in a binary system and it was scam?! Well, here it is the binary system that makes the opportunity legit. It is their GTM, "go to market" strategy. A part of that money goes to the developers and the maintenance of the actual EA's, a part goes to the community that are developing the network attracting more partners and obviously a part goes into the development of new EA's.
But what when there is no new sales anymore? Wel, the binary system has been made with a cap of 5 times. So it means that when your binary will bring you 5 times the price of the license (or 500 for the advanced license) you need to reactivate the license and pay again the fee to continue earning commission on the license sales. So it means that every 5 cycles, money will be reinjected into the company. It is very smart and this is one of the parameters that seduced me . It gave me the feeling that they really had a deep look into the long term strategy. Re activating the license is only for those who want to develop their network. The EA's will continue working whatever happens.
How can I know that it is effectively trading? You will receive from the FCA regulated broker a daily report with all the trades of the day and the open trades. You can also follow the trades on myfxbooks here :
I think that's almost everything that I could think off that I needed to mention.
I do hope that I was able to answer the concerns and I do hope that I succeeded in providing you the bigger picture. So I hope that like me now, you will see the value to join the journey. The concept is really innovative and as an investor looking for good opportunities or just looking for a nice passive income, this is what you are looking for.
Don't hesitate to contact me for any further questions.
If you are convinced, you can join the journey through my affiliate link. It is good to know that the subion on EAworld is free. Once you have subscribed, there will be a shop where you can buy the license and you will gain access to much more info such as a presentation of the EA's, presentation of the company, live zoom schedules sessions and so on ;-)
My affilita link :
Stay safe and take care everyone.
Kind regards,
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