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Get Paid to advertise

After nearly 3 years since it's creation by Michael Deese, MyAdvertisingPays (MAP) has now grown to well over 300,000 members in over 120 countries around the world - and every one of the 300,000 has - and is - making money every 20 minutes , 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Every day members are seeing their Google ratings soar for their own product or program. Many members have quit their jobs, bought new cars and homes as well as travel to all parts of the world.

Online Advertising is the world's fastest growing business. Newspapers are failing every day and even TV is struggling - for instance, the revenue at CBC falling by 18% last year alone – only Sports TV make money these days.

MAP is all about sharing part of the Billion$$ a day revenue that is created in online advertising every day. Facebook, Amazon and Google keep all theirs, but we, in the same business, share 95% of our profit every 20 minutes with our members. In less than 3 full years, we have already created 7 new millionaires and there is nothing stopping anyone from achieving the same result - the lady I signed up last night could earn more money than the number #1 earner in MAP does today - there are no barriers.

There are three ways to earn money in MAP.

 #1, purchase one or more advertising package at Euros 49.99 and you will participate in one profit share - you are allowed to only own 1000 profit shares so it does not matter or how rich you are - the maximum is 1000PS, so it is fair to everyone - we show you how to build to the 1000 mark

#2, While it is not necessary, you can improve your earnings by telling others about MAP. People will ask about your new found wealth so you just tell them about how you earn money every 20 minutes with MAP - you are not selling - just telling and people LOVE to talk about their brains or luck or both.

#3. Advertise your own company, product or idea. If you do not have one, we will be happy to show you how to look and find something that you want to sell as an affiliate. Our top members make huge amounts of cash this way. The evidence shows that Google ratings soar when you start to advertise on MAP

You do not need to sell to earn money - just spend 10 minutes a day looking at other Ads and you will earn so long as you own at least one Advertising Package. Get the details here; . Not available in the USA 

This article was published on 06.08.2016 by Blake Wyndlow
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Let me help you get Funding for anything you need. $360,000.00 a year just takes 4 referrals to get you fully set up and 2 referrals to make a positive Cash Flow. Payment comes in daily.

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