Love YOUR Business, and LOVE and GET PAID for getting NEW LEADS for that BIZ !!
Some people still actually PAY for their business leads ! Imagine !!!
Others, taking advantage of NEW TECHNOLOGY ( ) use that NEW TECHNOLOGY to obtain new leads for their business. They do this, simply by having people walk by them ! NO LIE ! That IS how this works ! And....the best part is.....the cost for this NEW a mere twenty-five dollars (yes, ONLY $ 25 ) !!! gets EVEN BETTER !
Still OTHERS, smart folks, recognize the wisdom of GETTING IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR OF NEW TECHNOLOGY...and .... sign up to share BOTH THEIR PRIMARY BUSINESS ..... AND..... this NEW TECHNOLOGY. They get paid..... for bringing this wave of the future to their fellow entrepreneurs ! In a very short time, many make enough to not only pay for their own NEW TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS LEADS.... but add a GROWING MONTHLY INCOME to their bank accounts ! all means... LOVE your business. But at the same time....take a look at this NEW TECHNOLOGY, and, A: USE IT TO PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS to others, and B: SHARE this NEW TECHNOLOGY ... with anyone and everyone who has their own business. Suddenly, COMPETITORS BECOME PARTNERS.... if not in your primary program..... in sharing this NEW TECHNOLOGY with still even more entrepreneurs !
As we do this, we take a lesson from the Gold Rush years ago out in California. People came from all over the world, to California, in order to mine or pan for gold. Some people dug for gold, in fields and mines, all over California, using picks, and shovels, and other digging utensils, lanterns and torches so they could not only dig during the daytime, but late into the night. Others, staked out claims in the running waters of California rivers and streams, spending long hours bending over in the water, panning for gold, attempting to catch it in their pans. Legends sprung up around individuals and groups who did strike it rich. Less well known.... the countless thousands who came out with the dream of gold, only to return back to the homes from which they came.... broken, and broke. So....two groups ? Those who found gold, and those who did not ? Actually... there was a third group !
The third group, which is often overlooked, were the individuals who also came out to California, but neither dug for gold in the fields and mines, nor panned for it in the streams and rivers. This group ALSO STRUCK GOLD....but they did it in a different way. They were the grocers and the hardware merchants ! THEIR GOLD CAME FROM PROVIDING THE NOURISHMENT and the TOOLS to the THOUSANDS panning or digging for their gold. The steady stream of new people coming into California, on a daily basis, seeking their own fortunes in gold..... ASSURED THESE MERCHANTS OF THEIR OWN FORTUNES !!!
TAKE YOUR LESSON from the Gold Rush of days gone by. By all means... dig or pan for your gold ( via your primary program ). But simultaneously..... take advantage of providing a very needed service, to your fellow entrepreneurs, via this NEW TECHNOLOGY Business Leads. DO IT ( ) .... Today ! Questions: 410-231-FUND ( - 3863 ) ! TO YOUR SUCCESS ! Mike Holy, RN, Baltimore, Maryland
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