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TWO Letters That Stop Most Network Marketers COLD...And How to Defeat Them

So you were introduced to a network marketing company. 

You heard it could be the vehicle that provides the kind of lifestyle you've always wanted: the chance to make money and spend time with the people who matter most in your life: friends, family, loved ones. 

You can make money while you sleep, they said. 

You can work from anywhere at any time, they said. 

You can travel to the beaches of the world, sit in a hammock, take a peek here and there at your laptop and watch in utter glee as all the commissions roll in left and right, they said. 

"GREAT!" you said, "I'm in! Where do I sign?"

It all sounded good so you jumped at the chance to sign on the dotted line and figured that soon you'd be rolling in the dough. There's just one thing you need to keep in mind...

Don't get me wrong, it is true that there are people in the profession who have reached such levels of success that it allows them to travel for work and play, to enjoy leisure time with people they care about, to set up shop pretty much anywhere they please. All that is true.

But something else is also true, something many people overlook when they have visions of dollar bills dancing in their heads like sugarplums...

It's called Network Marketing for a reason...because it takes WORK! W-O-R-K!! And because it takes work, that means there must be a deliberate effort on your part if you want to succeed. You cannot reasonably expect to jump on board, sign people up left and right and just get money. 

Contrary to negative opinions about the subject, network marketing done correctly is a legitimate business and an honorable profession. It is the ignorance of many that blinds them to the fact that a rewarding career can be achieved in network marketing just as in any other field. Like Les Brown often says, "They don't know that they don't know and they think they know!"

Okay, so network marketing is a legitimate enterprise. It is possible to make a good living at it. But there's still another problem. There are many people who struggle at getting their business off the ground. It could be due to fear, it could be self-doubt, it could be the fact that they've never really done anything like network marketing before and don't know how to go about it, or to whom they can turn.

Or it could be something even simpler than that. Les Brown likes to say, "You will fail your way to success." I agree with him. That said, I'd like to take that thought a bit further. The way I see it, people fear failure so they stop short of their goal. People also fear success due to the worry that they won't be able to handle it. 

There is one other factor I believe which comes into play: at the very heart of the matter, people fear the struggle itself. Why? Because many today have been taught that success is easy, or should be. They believe getting results should be no more difficult than pushing a few buttons on a microwave or just adding water. 

They believe since work is involved it must be nearly impossible to succeed. And because of this belief, they are not prepared for the inevitable which can happen with anyone they present their opportunity to, someone who might say those two letters brought together to stop them cold...


Yes, I said it...NO. Some people will not be interested in your offer, just like there are some people who don't like cheese on their hamburger. (Shocking I know, but it does happen)

But here's the question...when someone does say NO, how do you handle it? Does it stop you dead in your tracks? Do you get discouraged? Do you give up because you assumed that everyone would want your offer and all you had to do was show it to them and wait for them to pull out their credit cards, ready to buy, join, sign on the dotted line?

Well in the real world, that doesn't happen. Some say YES, others say NO. In fact, it is said that 90% of people say NO to a business opportunity, as many as 99% say NO the first time they see it. How do you respond? I asked some network marketers recently how they handle those moments and they said they simply leave those people alone and move on to the next person. Sort of like, "They say NO, you say NEXT," if you get my meaning.

If you're one of those people in that category who just moves on to the next prospect, hoping to make a connection, I want to run something by you.

Suppose you didn't have to worry about prospects saying NO to your offer?

Suppose there was a way to gauge their interest before you ever revealed your offer?

Suppose there was a way to establish your business in the marketplace without worrying that you might get rejected?

What if I told you the top earners in the network marketing space have an unfair advantage that lets them live the lifestyle you were told is possible...but that advantage is NOT unavailable?

What if I told you those top earners simply learned different skills to build their businesses than you've been taught, and they are willing to teach what they know to anyone who is willing to learn?

And what if I told you that gaining access to that what top earners do to build a huge following that has turned them into home business ROCKSTARS...

Required a minimal investment...??  How minimal?  Well, let me put it this way...

You will spend more money on your morning cup of coffee than it will take to gain access to the training...but the value could easily be worth hundreds, even thousands of dollars based on the fact that these top earners are willing to share their knowledge.

There's no way I can guarantee that this will work for you since I don't know your situation, your work ethic, or the kind of results you can get by implementing these strategies. But I can say this...

If I were you, I'd take a moment and check out this offer before all these top earners who got together to share this training come to their senses and pull this offer back from the table, perhaps for good. Then you may never get a chance to find out what they know for such a small investment.

How small an investment am I talking about? Click here to find out.  

You have so little to lose...and there's no telling how much you can gain.

This article was published on 06.03.2019 by Earl Bryant Jr
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