From Orphan to Wealthy Entrepreneur
From Orphan to Wealthy Entrepreneur
By Karen and Trevor Blake, top UK home Business Coaches
Here’s our journey to MLM superstardom. Enjoy…
I (Trevor) was brought up in an orphanage from the age of 18 months. I left there when I came of age at 16 and got a variety of jobs, before travelling around and settling in Scotland (don't ask me why - it seemed a good idea at the time). I served in both Strathclyde & Essex police. Became a Sergeant, qualified to Inspector, left after 12 years to run my own business in promotional sportswear.
The BA's Personality Girl
I (Karen) had a variety of jobs after leaving school (as most of us did) before I settled on a career as an air stewardess with British Airways. I loved every minute of it. After a year I was lucky enough to get chosen as Miss Silver Wing (Personality Girl) and travelled the world representing the airline. Eventually, I became a trainer for the new cabin crew.
After 12 years, I became grounded with 5 kids.
Boom to Bust in the Blink of an Eye
(Trevor) After 10 years of working at the sportswear business night and day, the business ground to a halt in the recession in the 90s. We gave everything back to the bank, the leasing company, the mortgage company, and were left with about £500 in our bank account, an old car, and nowhere to live. We managed to find an old asbestos-lined 2 bedroom shack in the middle of a 400-acre forest in Hampshire UK and moved in - Karen and me, 5 kids, 2 dogs and a budgie.
We weren't unemployed as such - we were unemployable.
We sure as heck did not want to work for someone else, and we knew that conventional business wasn't for us either. So, I dug gardens and mowed lawns - and Karen cleaned houses so that we could get enough money for food shopping each week.
It took just 5 years to Become an Overnight Success
We decided from that point on, that we would not be beholden to anyone else for our income and would never sell our lives by the hour ever again. So we set about learning all about becoming home business entrepreneurs. Within 5 years and from a seemingly hopeless starting point, we retired into the sunshine.
Out of The Woods
When you have burned all your bridges and have nothing to fall back on - no benefits, no wages, no job, no future - it either makes you or breaks you. Yes, we went through some hard times and experienced the highs and lows, but we made it out of the woods (literally!), and have never looked back.
However, several years later, and because of the recent pandemic along with the current (and ongoing) spiralling costs for households, we have decided to strap on our boots again and help as many people as we can to make the income that they need. The pandemic has cut a swathe through everyone's lives, financially, physically and emotionally, and you have, in your hands, a way to get anything you want in life, giving you a bright future to look forward to.
All you need is the right training.
Let’s face it – we need to learn virtually everything we do in life – driving a car, another language, looking after a newborn baby, and so on. So why is it that so many people try to make money without learning even the basics?
We only want volunteers, not conscripts. It is something that you have to decide for yourself. But if you do want to make a true success of your life, with a future for the people that you care about, we can help. We won't drag you kicking and screaming. We will be your business angels, guides, coaches, and mentors. Trust me when I say that we are more than capable. To date, we have helped thousands of people on their journey, with testimonials to prove. To us, that alone is worth more than any money. It is only fair to inform you upfront that our coaching is incredibly intensive, full-on, and life-changing. So if you are prepared to take the challenge, join us - or go back to a life of stress and quiet desperation.
Let's see what we can accomplish together, shall we?
We would encourage you to join us along with the other budding entrepreneurs that we are helping, ASAP. We will nurture you, help you, push you, and assist you to get ahead in your desire to provide for yourself and the people you care about. All we would ask in return is that you are ethical and honest in your endeavours - and when you eventually make it, you too will 'pay it forward'. Is that okay with you?
By the way - we will not give up on you unless you give up on yourself. And that would be a terrible shame because you will be going on a journey of a lifetime with a couple who care deeply about the people they support, coach and mentor. Try us out, to see if we are talking out of our backsides... And if you don't want to take up your coaching slot, here's a little word of warning. Someone else will be ready to take your place...and seriously - why on earth would you let this slip through your fingers? We had to do it the hard way, as we had nobody to help us. You've got the easy way in your hands, right now.
See you on the inside? Go to:
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