Work from home Selling Young Living Products! Join me today!
Hello my name is Tessa, I’m a stay at home mom as a independent distributor at Young Living Essiential Oils. I love my job as I can stay home with my 3 month old son instead of paying $800 a month for daycare or working that 8 hour shifts everyday, when I now can just work from home off my computer and make an income! It may take some time to get a decent income, but got to work hard at it! It’s fun and easy.
Join with me to be a Member and get 24% off retail prices!! Click the link ⬇️. Must buy a starter kit cost $45-$260 depending on which starter kit.. Or can just simply buy products as a retail costumer at normal prices from me.
Products we sell:
Oils, diffusers, health products, kids oils and personal care products, pet products, men’s, healthy cooking, makeup, weight loss management, and cleaning products all made with essential oils! Over 600+ products!!
Join my team today and make an income right from your computer and never having to work that 9-5 job. Never miss a moment with your kids or paying for spendy daycare..
Contact me for more info:
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