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How to get rid of those self limiting thoughts that stifles your Action.

Good Day Friends. 

It's a New week and a New Day and I want to remind you of this fact. 

There is more to your life than you are currently experiencing right Now. 

Are you really living or just getting by, are you comfortable in your comfort zone thinking you are living your best but still feeling inadequate? 

Come on wake up now get out from that rot and begin to live life like you are meant to live by starting out 

Now and don't leave it till your last days and be filled with the feelings of regret- watch the video HERE NOW  

Make a conscious deliberate decision to make the required changes to your life Now. 

It's never too late, I don't care how old/young you are, choose to live that dream, work and walk that dream of yours. 

Start now take the risk commit to it, pay the price and surprise yourself for a change.

The future beacons at you and there are there are lives waiting on your obedience to your call. 

Will you disappoint them or answer the call to greatness or chicken out like you are doing right now. 

Now is the time. 

It is what you do today that counts for the future , the future of your dream starts now, begin to sow the seed of tomorrow by making today count towards your dream.

Your dream will not speak or make any impact if you do not Own it and take the required action and responsibility  no matter how small it is. 

But be consistent with your daily commitments, keep faith with yourself  and keep a diary of your actions and review them regularly.

It is not the size of your action that matters but the quality of your intent and the emotional feelings or state for your mind that backs it up.

Your dream must be relevant enough to challenge you and make you feel uncomfortable enough to inspire you and at the same time make you feel excited about its possibilities and how lives will be affected and transformed.

Begin work now towards it actualisation, seek out relevant people who can make it happen for you i.e your support network, don't be timid step out in faith, reach to those who have achieve in the area or speciality you seek to make a difference and be empowered by their mentoring.

You have to accountable, so be self accountable and equally have trusted people you can be accountable to.

Give your dream the priority it deserves in the scheme of things in your life . 

Set up a plan of action, a time scale to work your plan for he who fail to plan , plans to fail.

Be honest to your self anf your feelings but you must master your feeling/emotion or it masters you.

Finally be strong and know that you have all that it takes to  make it happen.

Believe in yourself and your abilities, it is this belief that take you to where-ever you intend to GO and how far you want to Go. 

Your limitations are only those you set up in your mind, or permit others to set up for you. – Og Mandino


My name is Dr Dimeji Afolabi (Also known by some as Adime) I am your friend-a son of the encourager assigned to add value to you and inspire you to be the best you can possibly be and more - be a winner in your own race of life.

Don’t worry choose to be Happy

You are blessed to be a blessing. 

Take massive ACTION NOW! ‪


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This article was published on 25.07.2016 by Dr Oladimeji Afolabi
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