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Powerful system saves you money, makes you money and solves your #1 problem...

Welcome you're obviously looking to make some money and that's good because I have a company that's been paying out people in over 40 countries  thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars every single Friday  for the last year and a half.  

But before I get into that, I want you to think about a couple things  that I'm going to get back to it.  

Have you ever watched the television show shark tank?  

What products on there make the most money?  

If you look at all of the shark tanks, it's always the products that  present a solution to a huge problem.  

And people will watch that and say why didn't I think of that?

There has been many many products that you've seen that made something  hard or something difficult or something frustrating very easy and  because of that these products went on to make millions and millions  of dollars. 

You know this if you watch shark tank and you see it happen.   You see those same products sold in stores all over the country. Now, I don't have a product that is sold in a store like that.  

But I want to talk to you about a problem that presented a huge opportunity.  Now, let me give you a little background on this company and its founders.  The front man has been in the network marketing & MLM industry, full-time  for over 20 years. He broke recruiting records in eight companies. 

He would get in a company and sign up two to three hundred people up himself.  

One company he achieved diamond in six days, in another company he was a top recruiter.  In a company that broke the record for the best month in the whole industry he was the number one recruiter in that company. 

He has also worked on the consulting side. He has been a highly paid consultant  by even billion-dollar companies. So, he has seen all sides from being a top  recruiter in the field to being on the corporate side. His business partner,  the man behind the scenes, is the same way, he's built online to over half a  million people. He's been a CEO of multi multi-million dollar companies.  

They got together one day and started to talk about what they were seeing happening  in the make money from home industry. 

When you join a network marketing company, it may not be your first - you may have  joined more than one like myself, you always have a product and you get excited about that product and you have to convince everyone it's the best thing since  sliced bread, and let's say you're in a weight-loss deal and you got to convince  everybody that you have the best weight loss product.  

Nothing on the market touches you. None of the other weight-loss MLMs are as good  as you. None of the products in the stores are as good as you. And you got to basically go out there and try to get people convinced to join your business.  

Because if they don't join your business you don't make any money. So, if someone  looks at your weight-loss business and decides they're going to go and join a travel  company or a Forex deal or a wine deal or a Bitcoin deal, that does you no good!  

You lost money. Because once you're a distributor of one company the only thing  you do is talk about that company, trying to get people in that company, and get them  to see what you saw and let’s face it, sometimes it's difficult because there's people  that are already involved in their MLM and they like it. So, you're not going to win by  trying to convince those people.  

So, you go out and you try to market but here's the problem! When you go out and try to  market, all those people - they are also marketing from all these other companies.   So, you are out there trying to get people. You're trying to get them in your weight loss  deals, other weight loss deals are trying to get them, travel deals are trying to get them,  these distributors just want them to sign up.  

You know so you can make your fast start bonus and you can start to make money. And it becomes  very difficult, and that's why the Direct Selling Association says the average person in network  marketing only recruits 2.3 people, pretty sad huh? And you wonder why all these people fail.  

Well, what if you could solve that problem? Don’t you think there'd be money in it.  That's what these partners actually did because they launched over a year and a half ago,  and built the number one network marketing home-based business recruiting system that allows the  average Joe's out there that struggle in network marketing to get signups, build massive downlines  and sell a ton more product.  

And by doing that they are talked about all over the world. They’re literally in 40 countries right  now. See! you've probably heard of the NFL Club, the No Friends Left club, you know where people have  already been in multiple deals, they've already talked to friends, family, coworkers, the Starbucks guy, got shot down a million times, got laughed at, got told it was a pyramid scheme and a scam, that's what  most people do! 

The other problem is a lot of these companies - they don't help their people. They get a pat on the back and a good luck. It's like getting thrown in the cockpit of an F-16 fighter  jet and being told go fly it! Even a job trains you what to do but many of these network marketing companies  don't, or because 99% of the people fail, the people that are training them are failing themselves. 

And it's a never-ending circle with these people struggling. 

Well, there's a systematic program now that solves this problem and it actually does several things. 

Number one: It's a tool system. Let's say your business is the Ferrari of weight loss. Well, great you got the Ferrari of weight loss, but you don't have any gas to put in it. So, the Ferrari never leaves the driveway and  that's what happens to many people in network marketing.  

They get involved in a business. They buy their kit and they can't get it out of the driveway because they don't  know how and don't have the tools. The company website that they get stinks, has no ad copy, no call to action and  they're not getting signups. 

So, people learn how to build… you get the platform to build, to build killer capture pages, landing pages,  video pages, webinar replays. You get built-in autoresponders, built-in email broadcasters, built-in text messages.  

You build with the ultimate marketing system without the need for technical skills. The pages look extremely high-end and expensive. And you can do everything with just a couple clicks of your mouse. There's no HTML. There's no coding.  There's nothing complicated. And you get training! You learn how to generate tons of leads on Facebook, Twitter, Craigslist and YouTube.  

You also have access to the hottest leads in the industry. 

You get name, email, phone number of someone who answered an ad saying I'm looking for a home-based business right now!  These are real leads sold only one time to members at an extremely low wholesale cost. And that's what people crave. 

Think about this! You can put yourself into one company and that's great if you want to do that but what you have to do  is you have to go out and try to find people to sign up in your deal and get excited about your product or service. 

Well, what these partners realized, because they were in several companies, was distributors would say well, I gotta sign up  people and they were out there trying to buy traffic, and trying to buy solo ads, and trying to build their own pages, their  own websites and the problem was most of the websites look really bad because they were using cheap systems that looked like  $2 websites.  

They were buying traffic that wasn't very good, and they didn't know what they were doing, and that's why they also failed.  

So, they decided to build a super high-end system that generates tons of results. Again, this system has been around over a  year and a half and in over 40 countries, have tens of thousands of people using the system, but guess what, our market is  every single person, in every single company, that has any product, any service.  

It doesn't matter whether you're selling coffee, or whether you're selling the Forex, or whether you're selling Bitcoin,  guess what you can use our system. 

So, now I don't have competitors. All I do is I have every single person that says I want success. I want to build a downline.  

Will you show me how to get on the leader board? Think about that! There are tens of millions of people involved in the network marketing industry and 99% of them are failing miserably and need our tools, they need our training, they need our leads to put  the gas in the Ferrari. 

So they can get off the starting line and literally hit the finish line, and get on their leader boards. That's what we offer!  

We have so many testimonials. We actually have a testimonial video that you can watch and blow your mind over people that have had tremendous results with us. And get this! We let you use it. Imagine showing that video to people in a network marketing company that are struggling and they see all these people that are having success in building their downline.  

They have made it the easiest thing on planet earth, to go out there and make money. Listen! the gold rush happened in the 1800's  in America, you know who made the money? It wasn't the guys who put the pans in the water. It wasn't the guys that were going out to  find gold. 

Some found gold, but you know who made the money? It was the guys who sold all the guys the pans, the picks, the shovels,  and Levi’s overalls and that's how the Levi's company was born.  

When you see the solution to a problem and you fix the problem, there is humongous money to be made!

And that's why every Friday they pay out obscene amounts of money to their affiliates. 

So, here's how this whole thing works, First of all, it’s the easiest thing.  

Let me ask you a question.  

Is it easier to give something away for free or is it easier to sell something like a two hundred and five  hundred or thousand dollar kit? So, can you afford free or can you afford two hundred or five hundred or  thousand dollars like a lot of those businesses? 

Well, everybody can afford free. So they actually let you try this system for free, for an entire week. They don't even take your credit card.  

It isn’t possible to put in a credit card. So, there is no downside. So, if you ask somebody hey if I can show you how to double or quadruple your downline, it doesn't cost you any money, and I can't take your credit card, there's no downside for you, whatsoever, you think they're  going to say no? Of course, they don't say no!  

The average is six hundred to thousand people trying this system per day! Because it's absolutely free. There's no downside for it. After seven days,  they decide they want to upgrade. It's only $50. That’s $1.61 a day for all these tools. 

These tools will cost you over $200 a month. Without this  system shoot, an autoresponder alone could cost you 50 bucks a month that doesn't come with all of our training, and all of our tools, and all of  our pages, and landing pages. 

So, you save a ton of money by using us and you will love it, because it's not like you're spending money. You’re actually saving money.  

But here's the cool deal! The leads and tools business is a multi multi-million dollar business. There are a lot of expenses. They have eight dedicated mail servers. An entire team of full-time programmers you should see what programmer salaries cost, legal department,  you know there's a lot of things that they spend money on as a company, but get this now out of that $50, every person you refer you get $25, they  give you 50% of the business.  

They don’t ask you to invest in the company. You don’t help pay for the lawyer, or help pay for the mail servers, or help pay for the programmers. All that comes out of their end - just crazy! that they give 50%, they make you and I 50/50 partners. Anybody that you refer you get $25 and get this that's $25 a month. So, if they stay active, you get that month after month after month, and then you get paid every single Friday. So, what they've  done is we give away a hundred percent free system. A lot of people want to check it out. You get full access to it. 

You don't get partial access,  you get full access. 

Here's what happens! People fall in love with it. They build a couple pages. They get on the training. They see all the stuff that we offer.   And they say oh my gosh you give so much value here. I'd be crazy not to upgrade. That's what happens. They upgrade! A week later you're going to get paid $25 and then every month after that it comes over and over again.  

How much you want?  

You know there have been people go out and sign up a hundred people a month for four months and they're making over $10,000 a month residual just by  giving away a free system that helps people have success. See the network marketing industry again has tens of millions of people, 99 percent of them fail.  

99 percent of them are looking for a way not to fail, and they need tools. They need leads. They need training. And this system gives it to them and they get to check it out for free. It's the biggest no-brainer. It's one of the fastest ways that you can make money on the internet today. Because again you're not  locked into that one industry. You can sell the people in forex and travel and wine and weight-loss and coffee and all the industries out there.  

Guess what! If they're a distributor and they sell any product or any service, they need our system! So, a lot of people that have seen this had the light bulb  go off, and they said man this is a huge huge industry! I can't believe you're giving me 50%. Now you do have to be a customer in order to be an affiliate, but  there are people that are making crazy money. 

So, for the people in MLM or an affiliate program, you spend just $50 and if you got just two referrals, yours is  free.  

This is an insane opportunity if you're looking to make money, the picks and shovels business is a huge industry. There are reps from every single company. Lots of the top leaders of this industry are using this  program because it flat out works. People are giving testimonials all the time.  

And again! You can be a 50/50 partner. Allow you to go out! Give it away for free! When they upgrade, you start getting paid $25 a pop. How many of those do you want?  

Click on the link and let’s get you started on your free trial. Talk to you in the inside. 

This article was published on 19.10.2017 by Willie Lowery
Member comments:

Charles Lenoir A lot of info thanks for posting Willie!  6 years ago

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