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Network Marketing

Hi friends I would just like to make a valid comment to prospects and beginners.

The first thing people do with a program is run to google and ask if this or that program is a scam....Folks be careful of this,there are bloggers out there or News Reporters and these people need others to either click or comment on their post to get paid and obviously the more clicks and comments the more money they make,to do this they make negative comments about a perfectly good program to push up their earning potential and destroy a perfectly good program,I have been at network marketing for a good few years and like a lot of others here have lost thousands of $$$,I have found the best way to research a program is to friend the person of the program you are interested in and then asked to join the group BEFORE you register,this way you will see if there is any negativeness or bickering and bitching in the program and why people are leaving and so on this enables you to make an educated decision as to whether you would like to partner up with the program or not....A word of warning here if invited by somebody to join a group be fair and register under that person don't go to somebody else....In closing if not happy you can simply unfriend the person who asked for the friend request and move on and in this way you get a fair chance to look at the business in question.One really needs to be careful posting in the groups,should you post in more than ten or fifteen groups a day you will be blocked by Face Book,to avoid this happening open at least three face book accounts and promote in the groups from them that would give you a total of forty groups a day,however you must remember to LINK these extra accounts to your main account,otherwise when you come to add people to your main networking group you won't be able to and don't forget to tell your friends that these other accounts are  you .With all this porn and filth that is being posted to our face book pages and people seeing your photo in other accounts they are wary of friending you as it could be a SCAM account,contact me on face book.... ....Wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2017

This article was published on 16.12.2016 by George Dwyer
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Upcrowdme - Peer to Peer, 5 USD to join

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