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Affiliate Program D'Jour? - Bobby J. Gallo

Just before I logged on to this forum today I noticed a curious thing. A well-known network marketing guru (who primarily promotes through the use of automated email marketing) pitching the latest and greatest affiliate program. Just like all of the others, the colorful splash page with it's expertly created graphics clearly imply that THIS IS THE ONE that will make you the "leader of the pack" so to speak.

In my time as a network marketer I have been stunned by the sheer number of "instant" programs... All touting to be better than the last one. Out of sheer curiosity if nothing else, I have signed up for a few of them. Most if not all of them completely revolved around the "system" of selling a message, and membership to a lead capture page with re-hashed training that has been beat into the ground by previous systems. Of course the verbiage changes. That's to be expected. But the gist of the system remains the same. Just in different gift wrapping.

Some of these systems are actually good. A few of which I would actually recommend... Like James Grandstaff's Instant MLM squeeze pages. He clearly put a ton of work into that one and the system is worth the money just for the use of his lead capture pages which are among the best designed I have ever seen (plus his traffic exchange system is really cool and fun). Others are horrible. I have seen systems where you are literally "selling" a "grainy" self-made video of some guy sitting at his desk in a poorly lit room with terrible fashion sense.

I'm not here saying that any of this is necessarily bad. But it is distracting. It's the never-ending quest for the latest and greatest. And while it may make money for some... Most certainly the creator and a certain number of members to greater or lesser degrees... there is a question I just cannot help but ask.

Do any of these programs provide for true walk-a-way residual income? I mean the type that you can retire from? The type that Richard Bliss Brook calls "Royalty Income?" Do any of these programs allow you to build a business that you can hand down to your children with what we call "transferable wealth?"

Attraction marketers will tell you, "yes". Because the point is to build an income that can be reinvested into your primary business as "marketing capital". But this begs the question... "Why can't this time be spent building he primary business in the first place?" Just about every six/seven-figure earner I know (and I know quite a few) in this business builds their primary ONLY. To my knowledge I don't know any who do it, or have done it through affiliate programs. I'm not saying that they are not out there... I'm just saying that I don't know any personally.

Now in the interest of full disclosure, I myself represent a few affiliate programs such as Prosperity Central... But I market it almost completely passively. I feel it provides value do to the fact that there is a tangible (?) product involved. Which is a prospecting system that I personally use. And I re-invest every dollar back into the program in terms of traffic for my site which produces leads and raises the Alexa ranking of my site... But to market constantly re-hashed systems with different bells and whistles kinda seems to me to be like the proverbial hamster on the wheel. When one program starts to wane... Start promoting the next.

It's been said many times that there is no right or wrong way to build a network marketing business. That axiom holds true for the promotion of affiliate programs as well. But I would just ask any who are reading this to sit back and just think of where your PRIMARY business would be if you took the same effort to drive traffic to "it's" site rather than the affiliate program D'Jour. How many distributors in your primary program would you have vs. affiliates? How many trips, cars and bonuses would you have qualified for? How much residual would you have accrued?

Just food for thought, the next time you get that email of a life-time

This article was published on 06.02.2017 by Bobby J. Gallo
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