Feeling Anxious - Have You Tried CBD for Anxiety?
Have you been struggling with anxiety and wondering about using CBD for anxiety?
Using CBD oil for anxiety has become very popular over the years and may be something you might want to consider.
But, you are probably wondering how safe and effective CBD is and specifically, if CBD works for anxiety.
This is a valid concern, even though CBD has been shown, through anecdotal evidence, to be helpful for a number of various conditions such as:
- Pain
- Seizures
- Joint Stiffness
- Inflammation
- Improving Sleep
- Digestion Issues
So, if you're suffering from anxiety and stress, it’s natural to wonder if a product like CBD can also help you with anxiety.
If you’re someone that struggles with anxiety on a periodic or even a daily basis, you know very well how difficult it is to navigate through everyday life, especially work and other social situations.
Anxiety can be very debilitating, isolating, stigmatizing and very lonely, but you are not alone. Countless people struggle with these issues and many of those people actually hide it from others, for fear of being judged and criticized.
This is especially so if you are trying to hold down a job or career and don’t want your boss to find out your struggles with anxiety and possibly create problems for you and your job security.
You have probably experienced many uncomfortable situations in your life where anxiety has kept you from enjoying moments with family or friends and maybe even caused you to have issues with performing your job.
You can probably relate to these scenarios:
- Running off to the restroom, whether at work or somewhere else, to try and “get yourself together”...
- Putting on a brave face with family, friends or co-workers and insisting you are alright when others sense that something is off with you….
- Having to leave a restaurant or other crowded places because your anxiety just became too much to take…
Not able to enjoy fun activities that you used to enjoy for fear that your anxiety is going to rear its ugly head…
These are tough things to go through and frankly can cause so much embarrassment and undo shame, that some people end up staying home, instead of putting themselves in a potentially uncomfortable situation.
We live in a very stressful world already, which makes it even more challenging if you are also trying to manage your own stress and anxiety.
You might have even found yourself being prescribed various anxiety medications, over the years, and you are concerned about or have even experienced the various unpleasant side effects that big pharma drugs can cause.
More and more people, like yourself, are searching for more natural ways to help alleviate their anxiety symptoms.
It’s not always easy to know where to turn and what types of natural things can really help.
Is CBD good for anxiety?
According to the ADAA (Anxiety and Depression Association of America) in June 2019, that despite insufficient scientific evidence and controlled studies, it does NOT mean that CBD for social anxiety would not help. There are currently dozens of clinical trials being conducted for various conditions, including for anxiety.
You are probably also wanting to know the CBD oil dosage for anxiety…
According to Healthline.com in 2019, it can be difficult to determine the CBD dosage for anxiety due to the fact that the FDA does not currently regulate CBD and there are no official dosage recommendations.
However, when you purchase the best CBD oil for anxiety, the packaging will specify how much CBD is in the entire bottle and even per individual serving.
Due to lack of regulation, it’s up to you to find a company that makes a pure, superior product for both full spectrum CBD and broad spectrum CBD.
There a number of factors to consider also when determining how much CBD to take such as:
Your specific, individual body chemistry - remember most things in life are not a one size fits all
- Your body weight
- The specific condition you are using it for
- The concentration in the CBD product you are using
- The quality and purity of the product
You are probably now asking “Are CBD drops for anxiety safe?”
What a great question!
Let’s backtrack a bit though and explain what exactly is CBD, in case you are not completely sure yourself.
CBD is short for cannabidiol, which is a chemical compound from the Cannabis plant.
People often misunderstand what CBD products are and assume that it’s the same as marijuana. CBD is actually the non-psychoactive portion of the cannabis plant.
First off, some people are concerned about CBD products making them “high”, but full spectrum CBD contains no more than 0.3% concentration of THC, which is the part of the marijuana plant that causes the “high” feeling.
There are also broad spectrum CBD isolate products that contain zero THC for those that are not comfortable with even a lower amount of THC, in their CBD products.
Broad spectrum is a great option for those that have jobs where they are drug tested and don’t want to have even a small amount of THC in their system, which could possibly show up in a drug screen.
But, will you get arrested and locked up if you buy CBD for anxiety?
Good News! You won’t be thrown into the pokey! No need to squirm everytime you hear the police sirens in your neighborhood.
You can relax.
CBD is legal in all 50 states in the U.S. and in many other countries as well. You can even shop online for CBD products or from many local health food stores.
Now, back to your safety concerns….
According to The National Center for Biotechnology Information, in both 2011 and 2017, indicated that continuous use of CBD, even in high doses like 1,500 mg a day, is tolerated well by humans.
Keep in mind though that according to Mayo Clinic, that despite being well-tolerated, CBD can cause side effects such as:
- dry mouth
- diarrhea
- reduced appetite
- drowsiness and fatigue
- can also interact with other medications
The key is to find quality CBD products that are tested for purity and use the most natural ingredients from a company that is 100% committed to staying on the cutting edge of science and nutrition technology.
Click Here to shop for the BEST CBD for anxiety we recommend and save 20% today!
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