Looking 4 Leaders...
We have an opportunity for leaders. I know you heard that a thousand times "we're looking for leaders" and most companies are, but do they have what it takes to draw and keep leaders? I mean the right product, the right team, company support or comp plan? We want leaders and aspiring leaders willing to do the work to get paid. To build the teams to support their people, real leaders.
Of course most companies have excellent products and services. If they not we wouldn’t be involved and wouldn’t be recommending what we have to our friends, family and business partners.
With that being said we must be passionate about what we offer or why offer it at all. I’ve loved every product I’ve ever sold I still use most of the products personally. Also for the most part the companies are great. So really it’s not just the products or the company it’s about passion and marketing.
The marketing & comp plan is what drew me to my company. Then I fell in love with the products. For me the product must work and ours does, it must be unique and ours is and it must make a difference!
Ultimately I want a unique product personally I like a patented or patent pending product for exclusivity I don’t want to see my product at Wal-Mart or Costco. How many times have we seen products suddenly appear on the shelves for our favorite store Tahitian Noni ring any bells. How can you expect to build a loyal client with products they can pick up while grabing their toilet paper.
Our company has both unique patented product line, great marketing and of course a comp plan second to none. OK so if you want to play, check us out at Paying4you , that’s right Paying 4 You that is what caught my attention. The company not only pays your first month of product but your website so you are up and running in a business with no out of pocket!!!
Once you’ve checked out the site above you can go to Teamrhindol to find out more or give me a call or text at (805) 709-6503
Looking forward to working with you,
Billy M
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