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If you could ask Zig Ziglar one question, what would it be?

In the Fall of 2021, my long time friend and business partner Chip Pinard introduced me to George Madiou, the CEO and co-founder of The Network Marketing Magazine. George was in a bit of a bind. He had 16 years of incredible content... including Zig Ziglar, Tom "Big Al" Schreiter, Joe Vitale, Ghazala Jabeen, Stacey Hall and more of some of the best networkers on the planet.

He hired me to remodel, rebrand and bring the site up to date with modern look and fresh appeal. What I found inside was a network marketing education unlike I've seen the likes of in the 23 years I've been working online.

George Madiou and Zig Ziglar

I was immediately drawn to the content of Tom "Big Al" Schreiter who offers some of the best, practical network marketing advice I've heard in a long time. Tom teaches you what to say, how to say it and WHEN to say it... and he's just one of over 300 network marketers who have earned a substantial amount of money and build LEGACIES!

Tom teaches what I call "buzz phrases" that grab people's attention and make them seriously consider their position in life... 

Here's how to use the buzz phrase “are you okay with” to prompt faster decisions...

  • “Are you okay with working  a job that you don't like?”
  • “Are you okay with giving up your dreams help someone else accomplish theirs?”
  • “Are you okay with not being paid what your worth?”
  • “Are you okay with not having the time to do what you want to do when you want to do it?”
  • “Are you okay with your body deteriorating daily when there's something you can do about it?”
  • “Are you okay with a low metabolism that makes you feel like you gain weight just looking at food?”
  • “Are you okay with struggling just to pay your monthly bills?”
  • “Are you okay with renting a place to live when you could own a home?”
Knowing what to say and when to say it is THE KEY to prospecting for ANY MLM based business opportunity. 

Learning from people like Big Al will give you and your team an advantage on social media that other teams do not have. Communication is vital and TNMM gives you all of the tools you need to become a master communicator.

You can connect with us on Facebook by joining our community, free of charge, or you can visit the TNMM website and start your subscription today!

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me here on MLM Gateway or Facebook.

Have a great day!


This article was published on 09.06.2022 by Rex Harris
Author's business opportunity:

The Network Marketing Magazine - MLM training, 9 USD to join
The Network Marketing Magazine is a monthly publication created by George and Debbie Madiou, providing networkers from around the world with the opportunity to create and submit articles for the purpose of helping others grow in their journey!

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