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Join us at Zilis and crest 7 stream of Revenue w/ healthcare, jeep and RV bonus

Contact me today to learn about an opportunity to start a CBD business with Zilis producing 7 streams of income, $1200 month in healthcare coverage, a free Jeep 4x4, global sales bonus and even $3000 month for an RV. I am available to get on an opportunity presentation online to take a dive into our organization and how you are going to turn this opportunity into a profitable business in multiple different ways.

We are the number #1 selling CBD oil with a 15% share of the CBD oil market and have the science to prove our CBD products actually work. We are pioneering the CBD oil industry with a 7 member medical advisory board, 20 patient clinical trials conducted at Mayo, QR readable 3rd party testing reports and even influencing legislation at the State level. We truly are the gold standard in the CBD market place! 

We will start by getting 4 people on your downline, with the help of myself, Zilis resources and our diamond leaders, you will have all the tools and confidence to grow a business with business partners and not just another CBD company... Especially a company that is free or only cost $45. With everything in life, you get what you pay for. So ask yourself why would you place your families future in the hands of that type of company when you can root yourself in this market with leaders and pioneers of the industry. 

I am open to what ever form of communication is best way to get you access to information. I prefer to do scheduled phone calls and online presentations but email or text is fine as well. I will be helping you get access to the proper data points as well as bring your down line onboard, what ever it takes to help your business be successful.

If you know the CBD industry is where you want to be, join us on our journey in bringing the Endocannabinoid System back to homeostasis and continue to revolutionize the CBD oil industry. The time is now before the big boom hits and CBD is pushed main stream like Advil. Go to my website below and click on join, bronze is $200 but limits your revenue streams so I recommend the Gold package as it will give you access to the highest commissions and bonuses. After you check out and get your confirmation, I will get a notification  and will promptly call you and walk you through your next steps to gaining financial stability for your family.


This article was published on 25.06.2019 by Tyler Jenkins
Author's business opportunity:

Zilis - CBD Oil Business, 200 USD to join

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