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Hello, I would like to tell you about my network marketing opportunity. We are not a typical MLM. You don't have to recruit members, pay any registration fee or monthly fees. We sell businesses and homeowners Home Automation-Security products and services. Pay is weekly and partners can earn $1,750 - $2,000 or more per week commission. No residual income is paid but there is an opportunity to train others and earn an override. The best thing about our company is that we close the customer sale for you after you make the introduction.

We provide full training online and via teleconference lines.  We train you in how to:
Generate Your Own Leads
How To Qualify Leads
How To Introduce Our Sales Reps To Your Customer
How Are Sales Reps Close Your Deals For You
How To Get Paid Weekly
How To Generate New Business

You do don't have to:
Invest Money To Get Started
There Are No Daily, Weekly or Monthly Quotas
You Can Start The Same Day That You Join
You Can Do Business All Over The United States
Earn Money When You Hire New People

Success is measured by results and with our program you can start getting huge results right away.  You can work from home, online or wherever you are able to generate leads and introduce them to our products and services.

Emerge Consultancy represents a leading Home Automation Services provider who has more than 1,800,000 customers.

Is this a great time of year for you to start something new?  Have you been looking for the right opportunity?  Are you interested in making money part time and full time making your own hours?

Imagine earning $1,750 to $2,000 per week or more, $7,000 to $10,000 per month or more.  What could you do with all that extra income and earning it without having to purchase inventory to stock and resell, or having to pay on autoship for product you don't need and aren't selling.

Imagine not having to spend money to go to far away places for conventions and conferences because you need to be motivated to succeed.  Think about it.  Everyday you wake up you can make $350 to $500 per day or more and get paid every week.

And here is what just may be the most exciting part of all.  How would you like to receive a brand new Tesla automobile when you've earned over $130,000 in this business?  You can start earning a great income and the top achievers are awarded a Tesla automobile.

We don't have any gimmicks or tricks to offer.  All you have to do is introduce our Home Automation Products and Services to customers and while you are with them, 3 way our Sales Reps who will close the sale for you and you earn money on every sale once the customer is installed.

This article was published on 05.01.2019 by Dr Leonard Robinson
Member comments:

Clement Elom (rev) Show me how to earn? God bless you.  4 years ago
Jason Mapes Good afternon. I am sorry but I am not interested in joining another opportunity. I am concentrating on a ground floor opportunity.   6 years ago

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