We are hiring every day!!!
We are an online health and wellness company with over 50 plant based products, and weve been around for 20 years. Basically I get paid to message, post, and reach out to any individuals who I think would be interested in our products. We dont have to keep stock on hand, we just refer people to our website and the item ships directly to their house. Super simple right?! I love it. Does this sound like something youd be interested in?
You can initially reach out to them to let them know that you are starting your own business and give them your website link so they can check it out ! If theyre interested, awesome ! If not thats ok ! We predominantly work on social media and word of mouth. This is your own business , so I am here to train and help you reach your goals! But you are the one that decides how much you wish to work, theres no set days or hours. I encourage you to commit to at least just one hour a day , and you can definitely be successful! We have systems in place to help you reach your goals and the work is fun and youre helping people improve their health and well being!
Theres actually five ways we get paid!!
1) we get 15% commissions off of everything purchased from our websites!
2-3) building your team will give you bonuses for helping them earn money, & you also earn commission off of everything they sell!!
4) when you get your business builder kit, you get for products for free!! you can either sell those or you can use them on yourself and show people your results
5) We get promotional bonuses, as you rank up in the business you get promotions based on your rank!
So everyones pay is different and totally based off of work ethic, rather than hourly pay. Which is what I love the most!
Ok! So to get you started we can sign you up right on my website! It only takes 5 min, and Its only $99 for your business builders kit that comes with marketing materials + product samples ($150 value)!!! You can use the products for yourself to show off your results or you can sell them to make your investment right back!!Plus Im going to throw in a $150 shopping spree in your first 30 days! Is this doable for you?
Let me know if this is sound like something you will like to do or if you need more info
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