A Lifetime Business Creating Self Made Millionaires!
It's now 12 Yrs since Alliance in Motion Global (AIM Global) started in 2006, as a local company in the Philipines, and today records 6,000+ self made millionaires worldwide as registered business partners distributors of it's amazing life changing products. All of which are 100% organic and natural.
AIM Global just celebrated it's 12 years anniversary held at the world's largest indoor Arena, seating capacity of 60,000 in Manila, Philipines. The company flew in successful business partners from 80+ countries that celebrate this momentous event at one place, a total attendance of 50,000+ in May 2018. All expenses paid with travel allowance. This is an annual event, recognising and awarding it's business partners who reached various levels of achievements as; Car Achievers, millionaire Circle, Silver Executive, Global Ambassadors, etc., within the year in this AIM Global business.
AIM Global is expanding and it's vision is to be the largest MLM Global company worldwide. It has plans to open new branches in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Pacific.
The flagship product of the company, C24/7 has 100 uses and health benefits, it is an all in one food supplement with no side effects. It heals and cures ordinary diseases to most serious cases like cancer. There are personal testimonies of the AIM Global products from users both old and young alike who recovered from their ill health. Check link, www.allianceinmotion.com
In fact, AIM Global is a recipient of the PHILIPINES BEST BRAND AWARDS 2018 FOR THE DIRECT SALES- MLM INDUSTRY !!! The products are recognised as the best brands across various industries in Philipines. The award giving body was organised by CMO Asia and supported World CSR Day, Thought Leaders, Stars of the Industry Group and World Federation of Marketing Professionals.
The AIM Global products have been registered in the Philipines directory of Pharmaceuticals for administration to patients by health practitioners as part of prescriptions to manage their health. Great positive results are flowing in from health practitioners worldwide.
We want to share these amazing products with our global community as much as possible. We are seeking interested people who want to share these products within their community and build a business within AIM Global that is a people helping people MLM Business. You will have free training both online and offline, 25-50% lifetime discount on all products, a great compensation plan (6 ways to earn), and online account to monitor your income, a business with legacy for your beneficiary, free trips and incentives just to name a few. Be one of us!
Join us today!
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