Officially a builder of abundant Wealth
I have officially a builder of wealth and learning new and useful principles for maintaining wealth as it is achieved. I would love to share this opportunity with you as well and help you join this wealth building family.
A little about me. I am a 34 year old ex-cook who got hurt on the job and can no longer work the job I once did. I am also an Aut Mom to the most beautiful little person in my world. I've gone through some trying times and needed to do something from home. So I searched and asked and looked at multiple different opportunities looking for a job as an employee and saw some very wonderful ones as well. But I knew I didnt qualify because I didn't have another skill set. I was initially crushed but then there was hope when I saw network marketing opportunities. The most awesome part I didnt have to have experience. At that point another search ensued which companies are the best what niche do I want to go into. I found an opportunity I absolutely loved in the wellness niche (I now order products from them that I love love)but was too expensive for my budget requirements per month. So again the search began and found the current opportunity I am with now. It has been almost a year since I registered for my account and and it is nothing like anything I've ever seen. There is no competing against each other, one jelouse of another, no big I's or little u's because everyone helps everyone and I love it. I can finally love what I do and dream again and dream bigger than I ever have.
I truly believe in my heart that if you give the opportunity that I am with a full try. I mean truly give this your A game you will not be disappointed. You will be in business for yourself but never by yourself with someone always willing to help you succeed. This opportunity helps you to build not only wealth for right now but to build generational wealth and showyou how to keep it
I look forward to meeting speaking and networking with you all.
Love and Light
For more please email me here
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