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No more Fly In Fly Out (FIFO)

LIKE it or HATE it

FIFO/DIDO is a fact of my existence.

Personally it is very much what I have been doing for the past 19 years. It is a frustrating existence, costly, time consuming, lonely existence, it comes with depression, health issues, fatigue management issues, away from family events. Long hours (76.5 hour weeks - on site), long commutes to and from camp (49 klm each way - another hour to the day), unhealthy food (camp/mess food is high carb, high sugar, high fats), abuse of alcohol (bars in the camps), tinny rooms (never cleaned well), single slat beds (hard), no storage facilities (have to cart everything in and out), .... and the list goes on ....

It has been this way for years, and the situation wears thin. The people - some are muppets/peanuts/rude/hateful/aggressive �and some are very nice (few and far between).

The ambition is to make the change to a better life �, and by chance I bumped into a woman who started telling me how she, as a single mother, having had a troubled childhood, (very interesting story) she had been introduced to an opportunity that had proven to be extraordinary, it was producing for her a 6 figure month income, consecutively month after month. ���

� I was intrigued, as you would be!!!

This seemed to good to be true, in fact it sounded just plain nuts � .

But - being the curious type, I googled it, checked it out, asked questions, researched it, and you know what? � I got on board. 

The support, the personal growth, the soul connection with people (the tribe) and to the platform was impressive. 

I don’t get wrapped up into these things, it isn’t me to be attracted to a change, however I am very excited to be involved, and because of that I am excited to give you the opportunity to see exactly what I am doing to break the FIFO/DIDO cycle.

Yes, I still have to do the FIFO thing because I need to develop my business, and I need to pay my bills, and I need to fund my passion. But the future is what I make it to be. Many people doing this have already given their 9 to 5 jobs the flick. They are doing so well that they don’t need to put them selves under the pressure of having to work for someone else.

They now are able to enjoy more time with their family �‍�‍�‍�, able to do what they want to (golfing �️‍♂️ , camping ⛺️ , ski � , fish � ..) when ever they want to. Because the platform is 90% automated they can do most of their work while they sleep. YEP, you read that right!!! While you sleep. 

Several things you will need, one very important thing is ‘Self belief ‘, OH YEAH - you will also need a smart phone or laptop and an internet connection. So if you want to sit on the beach under a palm tree � and have that as your office for a couple hours, or how about sitting by a shimmering blue pool � at a 5 star resort and put in a couple hours there between cocktails � - sound more like you. Well, only your imagination is the limiting factor.

I have plans to manifest this life style into my life, my future is not as a FIFO miner, it is having the freedom to travel ✈️ enjoy extended holidays, dine in nice restaurants, stay in nice hotels �, experience the lifestyle that I always thought was only for the rich � and famous �. It’s not you know, it’s obtainable by every one, we have just been conditioned to believe that we have to grind �‍♂️away at the 9 to 5 jobs, 40 hour weeks, for 40 years �‍♂️, and maybe we will be able to retire with 40k a year to live on. Such a load of crap � Remember - life is what you believe it to be, you believe it is the 40/40/40 then that is what you will get, how about believing what it can be like. The expectations are limitless, so don’t limit your self.

A happenstance meeting with my now good friend is no different then you meeting me here today.

I will give to you the same information that I got, if this resonates with you.

Give me a shout out on messenger @joel.zwemer 

If you like email then pop a message to me at

This is exciting stuff, it will change lives as you know them.

The personal growth is what has resonated with me but the possible income stream, the future of not having to FIFO for work, the extra time for being with friends and family and to do what I love to do also is a big factor ���.

Make a change , don’t stay stagnant, there are opportunities out there that really can change your life and this is one of them.

I’m looking forward to talking to you soon.

Send me an email, if you are interested, and satisfy that interest you have to take that step, no obligation, the info is free, no MLM, no garage full of products, no selling, no door knocking. Just listen to my webinar. Simple, easy with no pressure.

This article was published on 20.11.2018 by Joel Zwemer
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