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Our education system- and how network marketing can change help improve it   

Kindly do read that link asap. I will also give another small example of how the education system in Mumbai, India and many other parts of India has been ruined. For students who wish to pursue medicine, they are forced to study subjects like physics, mathematics, geography. So this is going on. And the kinds of unnecessary theoretical knowledge that the students are forced to mug up and put down in their is a shame. These theoretical concepts are not at all applicable in the real world scenario and most of them in our education system do not have any practical uses...the only advantage is that a hard syllabus enables to improve the logic of those who are born with strong IQ's and have the intelligence to study that much of theoretical concepts. As for others, they become depressed as they are not able to cope up with the increasing difficulty of the syllabus. This leads to depression, anxiety, addiction and suicidal tendencies. The atmosphere of education in schools, colleges, universities as well at many workplaces has become horrible indeed. I say this with my own practical first hand experience. I myself asked my parents to let me join politics to try and one day become the education minister of India. But my parents forbade me from having anything to do with politics as they correctly told me that almost each and every politician are rogues and thieves and will not let me live in peace for the rest of my life. I pondered what to do after that and I finally decided to help and save as many millions of souls I can around the entire world through the power of network marketing..without giving any attention to any corporate or anyone who is a high corporate official as most of the successful network marketers are common people like me and you looking for an opportunity to become quickly financial stable and later pursue our dreams.

In the case of is actually creating havoc..I have personally suffered and seen many others suffer from the side-effects of pharmaceutical so called medicinal tablets. I am stating the fact. Kindly do not take it badly. Even in the name of Ayurveda there a few who are making their own drugs and selling them. My family has forced me to consume these. Once when my grandmother gave me a pharmaceutical tablet for cold...I researched it online and found that it is banned all over the world. So one has to be very very careful before trusting anything on pharmacy. When it comes to many network marketing MLM's there is no drug used at all in the products unlike these so called pharmaceutical medicinal drug tablets. That is another advantage of network marketing along with many thousands of others that we shall reveal to the whole world. I have also found ancient Ayurvedic scriptures which will serve as the real natural organic and pure medicine to many illnesses and will form a great substitute to pharmacy which has tons and tons of side-effects. My grandmother and the mother of my mother have both greatly suffered because of pharmaceutical medicines. Apart from all this, we network marketers together can help transform the educational system of the whole world in such a way that nobody will ever feel depressed and each individual will get practical and hands-on skills to do a job that interests him/her and will also be helpful to improve the state of society.

The levels of enviousness, diplomacy has increased a lot and everything has become a deadly rat-race.  There is hardly any individual who shares the secrets of network marketing or for that matter any secret regarding any sphere of human life to become truly successful in life....Rarely anybody knows what is the actual goal of human life..but are unfortunately engaged in a hard struggle to earn a living by working a 9 am to 5/6 pm job. And any free time is spent in trying to enjoy life with family and friends. Even that time obtained is very little and people get frustrated that they do not get enough time to spend with family. The most unfortunate part is that only 1% to 2% of the whole planet have actually understood the power of network marketing. Network marketing provides great financial freedom and a lot of time in the future to choose whatever path of action one wishes to take without having any financial worries at all. I encourage all successful network marketing professionals from all across the globe to kindly view my LinkedIn profile and witness a major transformation to the world that we network marketers together are soon about to bring about. 

The best part of network marketing is that it is so simple to engage like minded people to the concepts of internet marketing, internet recruiting, viral marketing, guerrilla marketing, referral system and a host of so many concepts which can be included to make one's own network marketing business successful. Many people view network marketing only as a means of cheating people with products..but with the help of all network marketing professionals across the globe, we will make network marketing the most formidable, influential and unstoppable force on this planet.

Thank you very much,

Sudip Nair

This article was published on 12.07.2016 by Sudip Nair
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