Help women Ditch Their Bras!
If your a woman, it is ikely that you hate your bra. You can check out our site here: It's a real problem for women and frankly we deserve better! I love helping women feel confident, comfortable, and beautiful. I never tire of seeing their faces after they experience trying on one of our camis. "It's like magic!" They often say. Come and join me and my team and help women feel empowered. Empowered that there is a better choice than just tolerating their bra!
I was a actually just a customer for 2 years before I jumped on board. My friend, who sold me my first cami, became super successful within the company. I'll admit that it was jealousy that drove me to join. Best decision
Invest in your future for as little as $149 for our mini starter kit. That is what our starting packs start at. You get some products right away to start stepping women into our camis/demis and away from those same old bras. Our camis and demiettes are life changing. Just try one on and that is all it takes. You'll be as passionate about them as I am.
You will have access to our team training and corporate training. This is where they teach you how to make $7,000 in your first 90 days! This is called fast start training and will successfully launch your business into the stratosphere! Even with our current situation they are innovating new ideas and ways for us to connect with or customers. Our team is especially great to join as we have over half of the top 10 sellers in our company as our team leadership. It's easy to be the best when you have leaders that have already succeeded. Some have done this with just part time hours!
The company itself just hired a new CEO and has made some amazing changes already top the comp as ny in just a few months! Leadership is beyond excited as to how they are innovating and improving service, returns, and all things corporate.
Whether your personal goal is to make just a few hundred dollars or even a thousand a month, let me help you achieve those goals. I love helping women finally wave goodbye to their bras. It's fulfilling and I actually feel like I'm making an impact. A heck of a lot more than selling iT contracts ever did!
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