Beyond Passive income
In the MLM industry there is a very highlighted feature that is called Passive income. Most companies evangelize it and many people sign up for opportunities based on that goal. My concern is not whether someone achieves it. My concern is whether people actually understand the concept and whether they have philosophically analyzed what this concept really means.
We all throw words here and there but the point is to be ethically responsible for what you say. Maybe our world is in a such social mess because of this mentality. My goal is a true passive income. My business life is around this goal. But I understand at least that selling products and recruiting is not really passive right? It is active since you are doing something. Passive is doing something once, or over a period of time and then getting rewarded by the fruits of those actions WITHOUT doing them again and again. The farmer plants the seed once and when the seed gives the tree or whatever it is, he then harvests it, he doesn't plant again and again. The active part is planting and the passive part is reaping.
My thought is that there is a lot of noise around about this kind of income. Let me get it straight; if you build a network of a gazillion people that work and do business value you can enjoy income even if you are not doing something yourself. The great BUT comes when all of your people stop doing what they are doing, what will your income(and theirs) be? Will it there be an income? If not, it is not passive income. If yes, even if it is 1cent, it is passive income. By definition.
It may look like the above example crashes some life laws that state that you cannot earn by doing nothing. That is not true, you have done something,built a group, wrote a book,made a product,invented something,sold products,copyrighted your spiritual ownership and now you are reaping the fruits. As long as the fruits can be reaped.
My goal is to make you think about this subject and by all means send me info if there is a company or product out there matching the above criteria. Specifically if the answer is yes to the question: "If myself and my team stops selling, recruiting or working, will I be still making money?"It would be interesting.