Healthy coffee business opportunity
I was laid off from work in 2016. Since then i have been running around selling anything that i could come across. I must say it has been hard. Then i joined OG because of the lockdown I had to work from home. I have never been happier. These products are helping people get their freedom back health wise and financially and i don't even leave my house, I do everything online. They boost immune system, weight management, strengthen hair and nails and help fight different diseases. There is a lot of health challenges that affect people and make them uncomfortable in their day to day lives. I have happy clients who have managed to fight things like fatigue, hormonal imbalance, lack of concentration in kids or even adults, some do not get enough sleep, and this coffee has helped them to be calm and sleep well and also increase concentration in their daily duties. This coffee is not only rich and delicious but people have said it gives them lots of energy. It is a fact that it reduces the risk of infection because all these products are infused with ganoderma lucidum which has amazing deep natural powerful healing and repairing benefits to our bodies. These products are one of a kind.
After also using this coffee i have learnt that a lot of women are not confident enough in their bodies, even men but mostly in women hormonal imbalance is a problem. Hormonal imbalance in most cases is the root cause of the major unfortunate situations like stress, depression, post partum issues, infetility, and some thyroid associated problems, and many others that I did not mention. All this can be easily corrected just by a cup of coffee every day.Since I joined the Organo family I feel very confident. This opportunity has changed my life in so many ways. It has empowered me through the strength of team work since we work together as a team and hold webinar meetings to help each other. The compensation plan makes life easier and i feel like now everything is possible. The satisfaction I get from other enterpreneurs and experience is wonderful. I see the difference because we work as a team to encourage and uplift each other besideds the fact that we sell amazing products.
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