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Leased ad space

The domain of LeasedAdSpace was recorded September 1, 2015 and currently this portal is a first for Italians who are interested in making money online using a forced matrix systems because the business is still little known nationally, but still aimed at an audience international

What mainly it provides LeasedAdSpace are traffic packages at the best price on the market, especially the SoloAds, those that so far the Americans say are the best way to get online sales.

It starts from the initial package of $ 7 that allows us to get 8,000 impressions banner ads, text ads 4,000 impressions and sending a promotional email SoloAds every 28 days at the site contact list itself, this to promote within our business .


In addition to this basic package there are also packages from $ 17, $ 27, $ 47, $ 67, $ 87 and $ 147 that offer more impressions and more mailings SoloAds promotional emails.

The marketing plan includes a forced-matrix structure formed by 7 levels (8x7) through which all have the guaranteed possibility of really earn substantial amounts of money in obtaining automatic commissions.

The charges stem from the sale of traffic packages and are paid directly and instantly on our BitCoin accounts, Payza, SolidTrustPay (there is therefore no minimum payout and sales transactions take place directly from user to user).

To start earning you need to obtain a free registration to the site and buy the package from $ 7.

This way you are qualified to receive commissions from others who have purchased the same type of packet traffic.

(To receive commissions on packages 17, 27, 47, 67, 87 and 147 of course you have to have bought even those but not required)


Registration is very simple, but the important thing is that when you choose a password enter a special character, the system gives you the special characters available ... but to do before just add an exclamation mark (!)

Some emails for example hotmail does not agree with gmail for example go on the safe side.

Once you make the registration you get an email which you must open, click on the link they give you to confirm your account of Leased Space 

When your sponsor has verified the payment you will be active and you can then leverage your advertising package to promote your ref link of Leased Space For (found on the Affiliate Tools) menu, or you can promote any other business at your leisure.

P.S .: to receive payments from your subscribers you will need to set your profile your email Payza,Bitcoin and the account of SolidTrustPay. Once your subscriber will pay him go to approve going on >>> Transactions menu. It will also still a mail notifying you that someone has paid.


On your dashboard you will have three types of campaigns, and you can set them all:

MY TEXT ADS (4000 impressions)

MY BANNER ADS (8000 impressions: 4000 banner with 480 × 60 + 4000 banner with 125 × 125). After setting for instance advertising banner 480 × 60, to turn the other with 125 × 125 banner go to Menu >>> Submit Banner Ad.


To activate SOLO EMAIL ADS (which in my opinion is that the most effective) you must first enable of menu >>> Edit profile also receive thou Email Ads Only.

To activate after the publicity with the email you have with the package at $ 7, at least 15 credits. To get the loans you need to click on links that you receive by email or on 'For blog (the blog you find when you go to select only email ads when you still have no credits ... inside the' Adblog click on the various links advertised and up right waits eight seconds and then click on the green button CLAIM CREDITS)

Also on Edit profile in the end you can complete Favorite program 1 and 2 with 2 different your referral links

Click here to sign up !!

This article was published on 29.03.2017 by Emanuele Pesenti
Author's business opportunity:

leased ad space - traffic, affiliate, 7 USD to join

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