Over the past few years I have tried a couple of MLM opportunities with very little success - even though most of the companies had pretty good products that I believed in. I just couldn'’t bring myself to badger my family and friends and face their looks of sympathy-infused frustration. Then a friend contacted me about something he had been shown – something ‘completely different,’ he said. So, bearing in mind this was the same friend who had introduced me to the other Network Marketing businesses – the ones where I spent more on my monthly autoship than I could ever manage to cover with sales, not to mention the one where I had to to pay a few hundred quid for the privilege of clicking on pointless ads every single day of my life until it folded, I was sceptical. Yes, thanks for that one, Nigel!
And so I rolled my eyes and thought ‘here we go again,’ listening merely out of politeness. To my surprise, his explanation of the business was quick – and so simple it was beautiful. I ‘got it’ straight away. He showed me what people were making and it literally gave me butterflies. I knew I had to be part of this exciting global team. The biggest hook was that I only needed two recruits to get my small donation back. TWO? Even the worst network marketer in history (yes – yours truly!) could manage that. So I joined there and then.
The very next day, I got half my money back – literally within twenty hours. I was baffled – I hadn’t even mentioned it to anyone yet. Apparently this phenomenon is called overspill. Suddenly someone else’s efforts were benefitting me! How cool is that? Especially when most of my MLM career to date had involved making more for my upline in commissions from my own personal purchases than I ever actually seemed to earn for myself. This time I found myself in a team where the world really is my oyster - I can help literally ANYONE succeed with this global business. It has been like finding 'The One,' like meeting my 'Best Friend Forever.' Suddenly giving has become as important as receiving.
Suddenly, it dawned on me exactly who my first two recruits were going to be. This opportunity is perfect for peopl who need to raise funds quickly. One friend was trying to fund an expensive overseas wedding and another is always raising funds for Muscular Dystrophy because, sadly her son is afflicted with this tragic condition. Now I was on a high – what could be better than making a really good income at the same time as helping those you care about to raise funds for causes close to their hearts. What is even more beautiful is that they could soon raise even more money than me. Unlike complicated matrices where you have seven tiered commission levels and multiple legs and whatever other ‘limbs,’ this system is simple enough for even a child to understand. I am overjoyed. As a supply teacher who never gets paid in the holidays, for the first time ever I am not filled with dread that Christmas is just round the corner but excited that I can actually buy people presents without getting into debt. Instead I can now pay off the 50%APR loan I took out last year and plan to quit my day job in the coming months. So this time, with no hint of sarcasm, I say “Thanks Nigel.”
If you want to know more then watch this video
or contact me on facebook for a chat
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